Panzer Grenadier Battles on September 20th:
Counter Attack #45 - Crossing the Han Polish Steel #9 - Our People are Beating the Drums
Land Cruisers #6 - Bring me the Head of St. John the Baptist
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Supply Chain Woes
Patton's Nightmare #10
(Attacker) United States vs Soviet Union (Defender)
Formations Involved
Soviet Union 86th Rifle Division
United States 12th "Hellcat" Armored Division

Overall balance chart for PaNi010
Side 1 1
Draw 0
Side 2 0
Overall Rating, 1 vote
Scenario Rank: --- of 936
Parent Game Patton's Nightmare
Historicity Alt-History
Date 1947-08-29
Start Time 05:00
Turn Count 16
Visibility Day & Night
Counters 64
Net Morale 0
Net Initiative 0
Maps 2: 15, 19
Layout Dimensions 86 x 28 cm
34 x 11 in
Play Bounty 160
AAR Bounty 166
Total Plays 1
Total AARs 1
Battle Types
Inflict Enemy Casualties
Road Control
Urban Assault
Hidden Units
Off-board Artillery
Randomly-drawn Aircraft
Scenario Requirements & Playability
Elsenborn Ridge Counters
Patton's Nightmare Base Game
Road to Berlin Maps + Counters

Lieutenant Colonel Hurckes shook his head, trying to deny the truth of the supply situation, but it would not go away. The bottom line was, too few supply convoys were making it to the vanguard of 7th Army. Friction of war caused some of it: lost drivers, flat tires, delivered to wrong unit, etc. But Soviet Spetsnaz forces were also making themselves felt by blowing bridges, attacking convoys, moving signs, and otherwise impeding the flow of supplies. Hurckes knew that armored forces consumed vast amounts of munitions and fuel, and his superiors were beathing down his neck to deep it pushed forward to the men at the front. With a sign, the tired Lieutenant Colonel picked up his clipboard and headed back out to the marshaling yard.


Normally a unit suffering supply problems would be pulled from the line and replaced by a fully equipped unit; or a strategic pause would be called while supplies reached the now-stopped units. However, in this strategic situation where the remnants of Allied forces are fighting to stay alive in Berlin and the entire world is watching the course of this war unfold, no hesitation can be made. Units must forge on as best they can until they are spent or relieved.

Additional Notes

American supply shortage rules.

Display Relevant AFV Rules

AFV Rules Pertaining to this Scenario's Order of Battle
  • Vulnerable to results on the Assault Combat Chart (7.25, 7.63, ACC), and may be attacked by Anti-Tank fire (11.2, DFT). Anti-Tank fire only affects the individual unit fired upon (7.62, 11.0).
  • AFV's are activated by tank leaders (3.2, 3.3, 5.42, 6.8). They may also be activated as part of an initial activating stack, but if activated in this way would need a tank leader in order to carry out combat movement.
  • AFV's do not block Direct Fire (10.1).
  • Full-strength AFV's with "armor efficiency" may make two anti-tank (AT) fire attacks per turn (either in their action segment or during opportunity fire) if they have AT fire values of 0 or more (11.2).
  • Each unit with an AT fire value of 2 or more may fire at targets at a distance of between 100% and 150% of its printed AT range. It does so at half its AT fire value. (11.3)
  • Efficient and non-efficient AFV's may conduct two opportunity fires per turn if using direct fire (7.44, 7.64). Units with both Direct and AT Fire values may use either type of fire in the same turn as their opportunity fire, but not both (7.22, 13.0). Units which can take opportunity fire twice per turn do not have to target the same unit both times (13.0).
  • Demoralized AFV's are not required to flee from units that do not have AT fire values (14.3).
  • Place a Wreck marker when an AFV is eliminated in a bridge or town hex (16.3).
  • AFV's do not benefit from Entrenchments (16.42).
  • AFV's may Dig In (16.2).
  • Open-top AFV's: Immune to M, M1 and M2 results on Direct and Bombardment Fire Tables, but DO take step losses from X and #X results (7.25, 7.41, 7.61, BT, DFT). If a "2X" or "3X" result is rolled, at least one of the step losses must be taken by an open-top AFV if present.
  • Closed-top AFV's: Immune to M, M1 and M2 results on Direct and Bombardment Fire Tables. Do not take step losses from Direct or Bombardment Fire. If X or #X result on Fire Table, make M morale check instead (7.25, 7.41, 7.61, BT, DFT).
  • Closed-top AFV's: Provide the +1 modifier on the Assault Table when combined with infantry. (Modifier only applies to Germans in all scenarios; Soviet Guards in scenarios taking place after 1942; Polish, US and Commonwealth in scenarios taking place after 1943.) (ACC)
  • Tank: all are closed-top and provide the +1 Assault bonus, when applicable
  • Self-Propelled Artillery: do not provide the +1 Assault bonus, even if closed-top (SB)
  • APC – Armored Personnel Carrier: These are Combat Units, but stack like Transports. They can transport personnel units or towed units. They are not counted as combat units for the +1 stacking modifier on the Direct Fire and Bombardment Tables (4.4). They may be activated by regular leaders and tank leaders (1.2, 3.34, 4.3, 5.43). They do not provide the +1 Assault bonus (ACC).

Display Order of Battle

Soviet Union Order of Battle
Army (RKKA)
  • Mechanized
  • Motorized
United States Order of Battle

Display Errata (1)

1 Errata Item
Overall balance chart for 951

The reduced direct fire value in Kursk: Burning Tigers is 4-4.

(plloyd1010 on 2015 Jul 31)

Display AARs (1)

Scraped By
Author Retiredgrunt17
Method Solo
Victor United States
Play Date 2018-01-06
Language English
Scenario PaNi010

This can be very tough for the US. The Soviets don’t have a lot to stop them with. However, they have some arty, OBA and can get air. The US was fortunate in this one as the Soviets didn’t get much air. The US didn’t either, but they did manage to get a few turns in, which they used to help batter their way through the Soviet left. The SU-76 were caught out and eliminated easily. Without any armor, the Soviets could not hold the US back or attack their corridor with any success. US win.

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