Panzer Grenadier Battles on September 20th:
Counter Attack #45 - Crossing the Han Polish Steel #9 - Our People are Beating the Drums
Land Cruisers #6 - Bring me the Head of St. John the Baptist
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Sol'tsy: The Prelude
March on Leningrad #2
(Attacker) Germany vs Soviet Union (Defender)
Formations Involved
Germany 8th Panzer Division
Germany Kampfgruppe Fronhofer
Soviet Union 177th Rifle Division
Soviet Union 24th Tank Division

Overall balance chart for MaoL002
Side 1 3
Draw 0
Side 2 2
Overall Rating, 6 votes
Scenario Rank: 104 of 936
Parent Game March on Leningrad
Historicity Historical
Date 1941-07-13
Start Time 08:30
Turn Count 40
Visibility Day
Counters 181
Net Morale 0
Net Initiative 0
Maps 5: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Layout Dimensions 140 x 43 cm
55 x 17 in
Play Bounty 197
AAR Bounty 154
Total Plays 5
Total AARs 3
Battle Types
Road Control
Urban Assault
Off-board Artillery
Randomly-drawn Aircraft
Scenario Requirements & Playability
Eastern Front Maps + Counters
March on Leningrad Base Game
Red Warriors Counters
Road to Berlin Counters

The vanguard of German LVI Motorized Corps met stiffening but uneven resistance as they advanced on Sol'tsy. This needed to change quickly, and Marshal Zukhov sent a letter to General P.P. Sobennikov clearly spelling out the consequences of continued ineptitude in the defense of Northwest Front. Sobennikov reacted by sending forces toward a gap that was developing between two of Germany's advancing motorized corps. On July 13th near the town of Sitnya, the battle suddenly intensified for the men of 8th Panzer Division.


With surprisingly good leadership from the command staff at Sol'tsy, Soviet infantry used defensible terrain along the road to slow the German advance. Soviet armor would then eventually outflank the Germans and isolate them near Sol'tsy. this battle highlights what the Soviets could have achieved in the first year of the war with Germany with better command and control in place.

Display Relevant AFV Rules

AFV Rules Pertaining to this Scenario's Order of Battle
  • Vulnerable to results on the Assault Combat Chart (7.25, 7.63, ACC), and may be attacked by Anti-Tank fire (11.2, DFT). Anti-Tank fire only affects the individual unit fired upon (7.62, 11.0).
  • AFV's are activated by tank leaders (3.2, 3.3, 5.42, 6.8). They may also be activated as part of an initial activating stack, but if activated in this way would need a tank leader in order to carry out combat movement.
  • AFV's do not block Direct Fire (10.1).
  • Full-strength AFV's with "armor efficiency" may make two anti-tank (AT) fire attacks per turn (either in their action segment or during opportunity fire) if they have AT fire values of 0 or more (11.2).
  • Each unit with an AT fire value of 2 or more may fire at targets at a distance of between 100% and 150% of its printed AT range. It does so at half its AT fire value. (11.3)
  • Efficient and non-efficient AFV's may conduct two opportunity fires per turn if using direct fire (7.44, 7.64). Units with both Direct and AT Fire values may use either type of fire in the same turn as their opportunity fire, but not both (7.22, 13.0). Units which can take opportunity fire twice per turn do not have to target the same unit both times (13.0).
  • Demoralized AFV's are not required to flee from units that do not have AT fire values (14.3).
  • Place a Wreck marker when an AFV is eliminated in a bridge or town hex (16.3).
  • AFV's do not benefit from Entrenchments (16.42).
  • AFV's may Dig In (16.2).
  • Open-top AFV's: Immune to M, M1 and M2 results on Direct and Bombardment Fire Tables, but DO take step losses from X and #X results (7.25, 7.41, 7.61, BT, DFT). If a "2X" or "3X" result is rolled, at least one of the step losses must be taken by an open-top AFV if present.
  • Closed-top AFV's: Immune to M, M1 and M2 results on Direct and Bombardment Fire Tables. Do not take step losses from Direct or Bombardment Fire. If X or #X result on Fire Table, make M morale check instead (7.25, 7.41, 7.61, BT, DFT).
  • Closed-top AFV's: Provide the +1 modifier on the Assault Table when combined with infantry. (Modifier only applies to Germans in all scenarios; Soviet Guards in scenarios taking place after 1942; Polish, US and Commonwealth in scenarios taking place after 1943.) (ACC)
  • Tank: all are closed-top and provide the +1 Assault bonus, when applicable
  • APC – Armored Personnel Carrier: These are Combat Units, but stack like Transports. They can transport personnel units or towed units. They are not counted as combat units for the +1 stacking modifier on the Direct Fire and Bombardment Tables (4.4). They may be activated by regular leaders and tank leaders (1.2, 3.34, 4.3, 5.43). They do not provide the +1 Assault bonus (ACC).
  • Armored Cars: These are Combat Units. They are motorized instead of mechanized. All have their own armored car leaders, who can only activate armored cars (6.85). Do not provide the +1 Assault bonus (ACC).
  • Reconnaissance Vehicle: 8.23 Special Spotting Powers Both foot and vehicle mounted recce units (1.2) possess two special spotting abilities. The first ability is that they can spot enemy in limiting terrain at one hex further than the TEC specifies for other units and leaders. For example, an enemy unit in town can normally be spotted at three hexes or less, but a recce unit can spot them at four hexes.Their second ability is that they can place a Spotted marker on any one enemy unit they can spot per turn, just as if the enemy unit had "blown its cover" by firing. Such Spotted markers are removed as described earlier.
  • Prime Movers: Transports which only transport towed units and/or leaders (May not carry personnel units). May or may not be armored (armored models are open-top). All are mechanized. (SB)

Display Order of Battle

Germany Order of Battle
  • Motorized
  • Towed
Soviet Union Order of Battle
Army (RKKA)
  • Motorized

Display Errata (8)

8 Errata Items
Scen 2

Add 1 prime mover to the German OOB.

(PG-Tank Dude on 2010 Apr 30)
Overall balance chart for 2

Two 105mms (ID#s 1204, 1205) have "16-31" fire values in black (direct fire), when they should be in white (indirect fire).

(Shad on 2010 Dec 15)
Overall balance chart for 20

The reduced direct fire value of the Heer HMG became 5-5 starting with Fall of France.

(plloyd1010 on 2015 Jul 31)
Overall balance chart for 495

One unit from Eastern Front has a direct firepower of 3-5 on its reduced side instead of the normal 4-5

(garbare83686 on 2023 Nov 26)
Overall balance chart for 486

The Pz IVe appearing in the original Panzer Grenadier game had an Anti tank value of 4-7. As of Afrika Korps (2002), continuing onward through the 3rd and 4th edition games, the anti tank value has been 4-4.

(plloyd1010 on 2016 Jul 25)
Overall balance chart for 63

The morale and combat modifiers of German Sergeant #1614 should be "0", not "8".

(Shad on 2010 Dec 15)
Overall balance chart for 951

The reduced direct fire value in Kursk: Burning Tigers is 4-4.

(plloyd1010 on 2015 Jul 31)
Overall balance chart for 993

Kommissars never get morale or combat modifiers. Ignore misprints.

(Shad on 2010 Dec 15)

Display AARs (3)

Why we don't show Rembrandts to finger painting kindergarteners
Author Matt W
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2008-08-19
Language English
Scenario MaoL002

Another insanely entertaining scenario destroyed by Soviet command impatience. The Germans can be sucked into killing zones but one has to hold back until enough of them are there to make a difference. The Soviets need to hide in the woods and keep their powder dry until the Germans have to come in after them. The Wehrmacht doesn't have enough infantry to root you out and can't leave you intact in his rear.

As you can see I played this early in my playing career. The Germans won easily on the basis of losses alone. I am itching to play it again.

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The Battles For Sol'tsy Begin
Author vince hughes (Germany)
Method Face to Face
Victor Germany
Participants waynebaumber (AAR)
Play Date 2009-05-12
Language English
Scenario MaoL002

This was played Wayne Baumber face-to-face and completed on the 12th May 2009. We had set ourselves to play all four Sol'tsy scenarios from the March On Leningrad pack)

Around 0800 hours first contact was made between the two foces at distance. The lead elements of Kampfgruppe Fromhofer, a motorcycle recon battalion pushed forward to initiate contact with Soviet detachments located on a forward hill position plus those lurking in a large forested area beyond that.(Wayne likes his troops lurking in woods). Meanwhile, a forward Luftwaffe OP SPW began initiating communication for air support to attack these Soviet positions.

The swift advance on the forward hill position soon secured the high ground for the German force to advance north of the battlefield, German panzers and another company of motorcycles advanced on the forested area. This area was cannily occupied by the defenders, and the main road running through it was also defended in depth by Soviet infantry well dug-in along the roadside itself. Battle was now truly joined as some Soviet T60's advanced on the invaders in support of their own infantry. Initially, the German recon battalion gained early success as they appeared to be winning the infantry battle. But the numbers of the Soviets, plus their supporting tanks began to tell against the Germans. German armour seemed unable to manaouvre into position to attack the T60's and when they finally did so, the 3 platoons of Russian tanks made off suffering just 1 step loss in their evasion.

Two hours of battle had thus far provided 1 Soviet armour step loss and 5 infantry steps. The Germans had lost 1 step of m/cycles.

Things took a dramatic turn upon the sudden arrival of Soviet reinforcements in the north. With a good advantage in weight of numbers and armour, the defenders switched from a fallback defence to an aggressive counter-attack upon the enemy. This attack came down swiftly with the aforementioned forested areas being re-taken with the Russian tanks pressing aggressively as well whilst out of sight of their armoured counter-parts. With the Luftwaffe having been and gone with minimal effect, the furious attack on the Germans began to produce some unwanted casualties on them. With about 5 step losses by 1100 hours, a timely appearance by the panzers in the immediate area dramatically turned the tide once again in the Germans favour.

Wehrmacht tanks, assisted by some distant 88mm guns viciously and without mercy brewed up any Soviet metal beasts that dared come within their sights. One whole troop (3 platoons) of BT's were wiped out by 38t's as they fired at them from close range, ripping the BT's apart. Those that did survive were immobilised, but were then set upon bythe German recon unit who threw grenades down the turret hatches and used point black machine-pistol fire to finish off the crews, still stunned in the remains of their tanks. Meanwhile, the infantry battle raged all around the area with both sides losses totting up considerably. The recon battalion by far took the brunt of the German losses, whilst Soviet infantry from the 177th Division absorbed horrible losses too.

After this intense segment of the battle came to a conclusion and a local Soviet defeat, the rest of the battle seemed to simply fall apart for the Russians. German reinforcement infantry, though being opposed were advancing to the south of the battlefield. The surviving recon units had taken the central forest as Soviets ran around completely leaderless in there, whilst to the north, the battlefield became a scrap-metal dump as no less than 13 steps of Russian armour were destroyed without German loss. Under such circumstances and with no chance of holding the position west of the river line, the Soviet commander surrendered the field to retire behind the river. From what had appeared to be looking like a long slow and grinding battle over many many hours, the circumstances mutated into a whirlwind affair that ended by 1230 hours. Total Soviet losses were around 28 infantry steps and 13 AFV steps. German losses were 10 infantry steps (mainly all on the recon units). The German advance to Sol'tsy continue !

(Both Wayne and I found this a exciting battle to take part in and was a great opener to the Sol'tsy series)

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Sol'tsy The Campaign 1
Author waynebaumber (Soviet Union)
Method Face to Face
Victor Germany
Participants vince hughes (AAR)
Play Date 2009-05-12
Language English
Scenario MaoL002

Vince and I decided to play a the Sol'tsy series of games from MOL. The first game saw mobile German forces run rings round the Soviets. I can not rememeber much more about how the game went bit I fear I was soundly beaten

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