Panzer Grenadier Battles on May 7th:
Broken Axis #23 - Târgu Frumos: The Second Battle Scenario 12: Ascend the Heights Panzer Lion #8 - A Profitable Diversion
Broken Axis #24 - Târgu Frumos: The Second Battle Scenario 13: A Fire-Spewing Fortress Panzer Lion #9 - Reclaiming the Perimeter
Broken Axis #25 - Târgu Frumos: The Second Battle Scenario 14: Lines Restored Panzer Lion #10 - Hill 192
Broken Axis #26 - Târgu Frumos: The Second Battle Scenario 15: Redemption Road to Berlin #75 - Final Panzer Battle
Panzer Lion #7 - Back to Kalmu
The French are ready to join the Allies
Author scrane
Method Solo
Victor United States
Play Date 2015-09-26
Language English
Scenario AAAD002

This was a replay of the situation in Scenario 1, but with additional forces and a little more real estate. The Americans massed most of their nearly two battalions in groups in the southern hills, with mortars and a company of infantry east of town. The French defend the heights south of town and the plain east of town with dug-in reinforced companies, holding the rest in town.

There is less to describe here as the battle developed and ended quickly in a massive American victory. The Americans swept up from the south, HMGs and artillery badly disrupting the French defensive line so that the bulk of the American infantry swept right past and engaged the town. In only about 2 hours the American assaults cleared the town, and French stragglers from all over their defensive positions were routing to the north. The Americans suffered only a platoon in casualties. American leadership was better this time, and initiative went their way.

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