Panzer Grenadier Battles on May 7th:
Broken Axis #23 - Târgu Frumos: The Second Battle Scenario 12: Ascend the Heights Panzer Lion #8 - A Profitable Diversion
Broken Axis #24 - Târgu Frumos: The Second Battle Scenario 13: A Fire-Spewing Fortress Panzer Lion #9 - Reclaiming the Perimeter
Broken Axis #25 - Târgu Frumos: The Second Battle Scenario 14: Lines Restored Panzer Lion #10 - Hill 192
Broken Axis #26 - Târgu Frumos: The Second Battle Scenario 15: Redemption Road to Berlin #75 - Final Panzer Battle
Panzer Lion #7 - Back to Kalmu
Pretty historical outcome, no surprises!
Author Special K
Method Solo
Victor Australia, Britain, Italy
Play Date 2015-04-12
Language English
Scenario AfKo024

This is a pretty interesting scenario, with lots of historical references To research if you're interested in all the background. I made a few modifications for added accuracy and was playing solo so didn't really care who would win! I have the 1 RTR coming in from the East edge and not the road and put the 2/3 AT unit Near the North edge to the east of the road. I put the 25 pounders just to the west of the road in a line. I also had the Germans starting from the El Adem road so it takes a little longer to get to the gap in the AT ditch. Goschen's House was a ruin occupied and fought over on the 14th just about 2 hexes North East of R32. I put a permanent dugin marker to represent this minor feature in hex 1126.

The scout platoon didn't survive long at the start of the game but the Lt made it to the 8MG Bn. Posts R33 (1430) just to the west of the gap was the first melee and then R32 (1327). The MGs made fairly slow progress into the gap with R32 and and R30 (1230) being particularly bloody. I called down a lot of arty on the own positions of the outposts in the hope the exposed Germans would suffer worse being exposed. In general this was true but it lead to an early collapse of R33 due to a bad round of friendly fire.

The panzers breached the wire around 3:15 and the two reserve companies were both released. I pushed all of the armor toward the 25 pounders just to see if I could outdo history! Upon arrival there was a fierce melee in one hex, but the Germans lost 4 steps of armor to one battery of guns destroyed. I had managed to haul the 88 into the cauldron and this was set up before dawn. However the noose looked to be closing on the german armor and I decided to bail out. I quit the game after 0600 with a general withdrawal of the tanks but most of it would get out. No doubt the Aussies would regain all the lost ground with daylight and armor in support. At best the Germans only cleared two outposts but had some local success at Goschen's House. B Company got beat up pretty badly there and didn't soften it up with arty enough beforehand.

I suppose this wasn't really a game but a historical reenactment but is still a great scenario! I'd like to made a custom map for this one as I think the German armor penetrated much deeper into the fortress before encountering the Blue Line. If playing an opponent I'd be likely to commit the Panzer IV's to clearing out a few outposts before dawn for the combined arms bonus.

Well worth a play!

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