Panzer Grenadier Battles on May 4th:
Panzer Lion #6 - Kalmu - Hill 256
Hook up and go!
Author Bart
Method Solo
Victor United States
Play Date 2012-05-30
Language English
Scenario BaBu009

I thought at first that this would be an easy ride for the Americans.. Not so.. Decided to enter the Germans from the southeast cutting off the allied approach from the south. Bringing the G on the board however proofed difficult with 2 or three units at the time. However, after a couple of turns 3 G units turned north and entered the city not covered by the M16. The M16 had to be moved to counter the threat and the G, having initiative, took a solid shot at the 105mm, which could have ended the scenario there and then, but failed miserably. The M16 in turn retaliated the turn thereafter with 1 step loss for the attacking G and the rest demoralised. The 105mm in the meantime went packing. Luckily the A had initiative next turn and the hooked up arty piece rattled north at a pace.

The A held on, with the help of the reinforcements who in the meantime had been fighting there way through and had entered the city. Having the arty pieces up north, I decided to let the G enter further north. To no effect however. The 105mm was hooked up and moved all the time. By turn 13 the city had to be shared by both.

2012-05-30 16:37

I must let my opponent see this as he lost as the US when my solitary German platoon needed a double 1 to end the game with an X on the gun ........... And they got it :-)

2012-05-31 03:10

Wow, some luck!

Yeah, I should've assaulted the gun when I had the chance but decided on a 11 shot, hmm decisions.. decisions.. Oh, when do we meet up through skype? I have to install still and get settled some more in my new home, but don't hestitate to call a date somewhere in june/july. Let's see if I can loose the bad habits I developed as pure solo player. F.e. I never declare any moves and shots beforehand.. :-)

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