Panzer Grenadier Battles on May 9th:
Eastern Front #103 - Tank Battle at Parpach Iron Curtain #1 - Timberwolves
Hammer & Sickle #21 - Timberwolves
Double-blind Smashing Guderian
Author davidthedad (Germany)
Method Dual Table Setup + Voice Chat
Victor Germany
Participants gulatum (AAR)
Play Date 2012-04-22
Language English
Scenario EFDx064

Scenario 64 Smashing Guderian was an excellent example of why playing double-blind is so much like life, one never knows what is around the next corner. Trucks and Spw251s move without identifying their contents if any, Line of Sight, Elevation and Observation rules become alive. Occupying Towns and Hills become necessary observation points to watch the action unfold on the battlefield. Scouting and reconniassance actually take time and units away from the main battle. Observations ranges, and limiting terrian allow for hidden movement. This scenario was large enough to allow all of the above to come alive. Setting a trap for the enemy to fall into is now possible and avoiding the enemy's is required. This is now the only way to play.

1 Comment
2012-04-22 19:35

What about the battle? What happened, who played? what was the significant issues?

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