Panzer Grenadier Battles on May 19th:
Conquest of Ethiopia #30 - Ras Destà Strikes Again Fall of France 2 #28 - Sidi Brahim Again
Fall of France 1 #30 - Sidi Brahim Again Fall of France 2 #29 - Route Charlemagne
Fall of France 1 #31 - Holding the Flank Swallows of Death #22 - Fleeting Success
Fall of France 2 #27 - Allez! De Gaulle! Swallows of Death #23 - Stuck on the Sambre
My Son's First Game
Author KirkH (Romania)
Method Face to Face
Victor Draw
Participants ChrisH
Play Date 2009-06-01
Language English
Scenario EFDx043

Shortly after buying Eastern Front Deluxe I decided to challenge my son to his first ever PG game. He decided to be the Soviets and gave me the Romanians. Using the knowledge I gained from my first playing of this scenario I decided to use the speed of my tanks to race to the finish line. Sadly I had forgotten about my sons ability to roll 6's on command (You should see him in a SWWAS game). I exited the required number of R2 steps to win the game but his T-34's shot so many holes in my tanks the best I could do this time was a draw. Still, it's a great little scenario and a perfect introduction to PG armor combat - unless you have a son who rolls lots of 6's.

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