Panzer Grenadier Battles on May 19th:
Conquest of Ethiopia #30 - Ras Destà Strikes Again Fall of France 2 #28 - Sidi Brahim Again
Fall of France 1 #30 - Sidi Brahim Again Fall of France 2 #29 - Route Charlemagne
Fall of France 1 #31 - Holding the Flank Swallows of Death #22 - Fleeting Success
Fall of France 2 #27 - Allez! De Gaulle! Swallows of Death #23 - Stuck on the Sambre
Slovakia’s War #4 - Slovakia's Battle; Phase Two
Author Juiceman
Method Solo
Victor Soviet Union
Play Date 2024-03-09
Language English
Scenario SlvW004

Better scenario than Phase One but not by much, the Slovaks used their light armor as a fire brigade and was able to get some early casualties on the advancing Soviets before nightfall, but a hidden ATG did take out a couple of steps of armor which tipped the VCs in favor of the Soviets.

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