Panzer Grenadier Battles on May 7th:
Broken Axis #23 - Târgu Frumos: The Second Battle Scenario 12: Ascend the Heights Panzer Lion #8 - A Profitable Diversion
Broken Axis #24 - Târgu Frumos: The Second Battle Scenario 13: A Fire-Spewing Fortress Panzer Lion #9 - Reclaiming the Perimeter
Broken Axis #25 - Târgu Frumos: The Second Battle Scenario 14: Lines Restored Panzer Lion #10 - Hill 192
Broken Axis #26 - Târgu Frumos: The Second Battle Scenario 15: Redemption Road to Berlin #75 - Final Panzer Battle
Panzer Lion #7 - Back to Kalmu
A Hex Too Short
Author mikejames38
Method Solo
Victor Draw
Play Date 2022-08-27
Language English
Scenario AfKo001

I’ve read several AAR’s that mention the significant effect of the Italian off-board artillery on their plays, I played the entire game without a single successful fire mission by the Italian off-board artillery. The Italian mortar platoon initially had good success by demoralizing the Aussie mortars, which allowed the Italian infantry to flank the Aussies while outside of their range. When the Aussie mortars recovered their morale a couple of turns later, they proceeded to attack one Italian infantry platoon and Tenente Serevidio and demoralize them and the next turn attacked the larger group on the other side and demoralized Italian Captain Guglielmi and an HMG platoon. It took multiple turns for the Italians to recover morale, and then the race was on - could either of the Italian groups make it to the victory hex by the end of turn 8? With the Italian mortars demoralizing the Australian infantry to the front right of the victory hex and an Italian HMG platoon demoralizing the Australian infantry to the front left of the victory hex, both groups raced to the hex and… each group fell one hex short. The Italians suffered no losses, while the Australians lost an infantry platoon, but it goes in the books as a draw.

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