Panzer Grenadier Battles on May 8th:
Sinister Forces #40 - Menacing Dokshitz
Ramming through Romanians
Author Matt W
Method Solo
Victor Soviet Union
Play Date 2009-10-28
Language English
Scenario RoSo003

The key to the Soviet assault is to ignore your losses in teh 3 Tank Corps and use the 16 Tank Corps to push over and through the Romanians. With luck the Germans will be slightly cautious or, even more fun, greedy and try to gorge on 3 Tank Corps. Their real function will be to screen 3 Tank Corps and fall on the flank of 16 Tank Corps before they can begin exiting steps to the south. These are no unmitigated wins as the Soviets in both cases only acheive the destruction of German/Romanian forces and exiting of troops. As the Germans close in they retake the road and the Soviets just lose way too many troops to get a major victory.

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