Panzer Grenadier Battles on May 9th:
Eastern Front #103 - Tank Battle at Parpach Iron Curtain #1 - Timberwolves
Hammer & Sickle #21 - Timberwolves
Don't mess with Tigers
Author geofgibson
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2021-12-27
Language English
Scenario PGUM005

This one is quite a challenge for the Soviets. The Tiger has such thick skin that the only hope for the T-34s appears to be to get close and get the +2 crossfire bonus before they die. That and lucky dice rolls would be their only hope. Keep moving until they've got crossfire shots and hope for the best. The Germans were also able to effectively use the infantry to assault a lone tank. In this scenario it helped that the Germans drew one officer with +1 combat mod. and one with +1 morale. It occurred to me at the end that it was less important for the Germans to knock out the T-34s as merely demoralizing was enough to prevent the Soviets from achieving victory. And, as there was no real terrain to block shots. If a tank didn't recover then he had to run away and that got him North of the river.

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