Panzer Grenadier Battles on May 19th:
Conquest of Ethiopia #30 - Ras Destà Strikes Again Fall of France 2 #28 - Sidi Brahim Again
Fall of France 1 #30 - Sidi Brahim Again Fall of France 2 #29 - Route Charlemagne
Fall of France 1 #31 - Holding the Flank Swallows of Death #22 - Fleeting Success
Fall of France 2 #27 - Allez! De Gaulle! Swallows of Death #23 - Stuck on the Sambre
**Run Away! Run Away!**
Author Matt W
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2008-08-08
Language English
Scenario EFDx002

Plays like Monty Python too. Let's face it. There is simply no way in which the Soviets can even stay on the board. The Germans will hit them quickly and then run them off the board, if they survive at all. The morale differential and the low absolute morale make it impossible for the Soviets to fight well.

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