Panzer Grenadier Battles on May 19th:
Conquest of Ethiopia #30 - Ras Destà Strikes Again Fall of France 2 #28 - Sidi Brahim Again
Fall of France 1 #30 - Sidi Brahim Again Fall of France 2 #29 - Route Charlemagne
Fall of France 1 #31 - Holding the Flank Swallows of Death #22 - Fleeting Success
Fall of France 2 #27 - Allez! De Gaulle! Swallows of Death #23 - Stuck on the Sambre
Try, Try Again
Author rerathbun
Method Solo
Victor United States
Play Date 2021-02-08
Language English
Scenario ChIn002

My previous play of this scenario left me frustrated (see previous AAR), so I set it up again and gave it another try.

On the second try the Americans rolled better dice and managed to clear the road and the town for a Minor Victory. They could have gone for the Major Victory, but that would have required sending six steps off the board in addition to clearing the road and town. They'd have to depart the town by turn 13 to reach the end of the board. In the end, I decided to keep the troops together and make sure of taking the town.

Unless things go exceptionally well for the Americans, it becomes a tough decision whether to go for the major victory and risk losing the scenario outright. Since the infantry's speed is only 2, the Americans will likely have to pull out a good part of their strength before actually securing the town.

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