Panzer Grenadier Battles on May 8th:
Sinister Forces #40 - Menacing Dokshitz
Leyte 1944, Scenario Thirty-Eight: Ormoc
Author JayTownsend
Method Solo
Victor United States
Play Date 2021-01-14
Language English
Scenario Leyt038

Leyte 1944, Scenario Thirty-Eight: Ormoc

Another interesting one, as the Americans get some sea power units but a lot of city hexes and road hexes to clear but they do have some engineers of both types and amphibious armor and off board artillery support. The Japanese have to depend on their setup and minefields and some minor off board artillery. It was struggle clearing those town hexes but the Americans achieved a minor victory clearing the town hexes and the east-west road but paid a price in units lost so could not get the 2 to 1 advantage in enemy step loses. The Americans lost 9 steps to the Japanese 14 steps.

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