Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 14th:
Arctic Front Deluxe #28 - The Horse Lords Airborne - Remastered #31 - Advance Along the Douve
Afrika Korps #50 - Fort Capuzzo To Hell With Spain! #1 - Cuzco Wells
Arctic Front #18 - End of Chivalry Lions of Finland #8 - End of Chivalry
Airborne - IE #20 - Advance Along the Douve Panzer Lehr 2 #7 - Sergeant Harris
Airborne - Remastered #30 - A Long Day Panzer Lehr #7 - Sergeant Harris
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Christmas Morning
Arctic Front Deluxe #7
(Defender) Finland vs Soviet Union (Attacker)
Formations Involved
Finland 10th Infantry Division
Finland 30th Infantry Regiment
Soviet Union 4th Rifle Division

Overall balance chart for AFDx007
Side 1 1
Draw 2
Side 2 0
Overall Rating, 3 votes
Scenario Rank: --- of 918
Parent Game Arctic Front Deluxe
Historicity Historical
Date 1939-12-25
Start Time 05:00
Turn Count 30
Visibility Day
Counters 69
Net Morale 1
Net Initiative 0
Maps 3: 10, 11, 20
Layout Dimensions 84 x 43 cm
33 x 17 in
Play Bounty 146
AAR Bounty 159
Total Plays 3
Total AARs 3
Battle Types
Inflict Enemy Casualties
Urban Assault
Off-board Artillery
Severe Weather
Terrain Mods
Scenario Requirements & Playability
Arctic Front Deluxe Base Game
Battle of the Bulge Maps
Eastern Front Counters
Road to Berlin Maps

Despite massive casualties, the Soviets continued their assault on the Mannerheim Line. Near Lake Ladoga, on the eastern end of the line, the Soviets realized the Finns had built fewer fortifications and manned them more lightly than elsewhere. The Finns depended on the broad Suvanto River to make up for these deficiencies. If the Soviets could surprise the Finns, they could get across the river and break the Finnish defenses.


Using the falling snow as cover, the Soviets managed to get across the ice and into Finnish positions. After severe hand-to-hand fighting they took many of them and drove the Finns back. Division command sent-in the only available reserves, a collection of border guards and volunteers, who helped drive the Soviets back over the river.

Display Order of Battle

Finland Order of Battle
Soviet Union Order of Battle
Army (RKKA)
  • Towed

Display Errata (3)

3 Errata Items
Scen 7

Ignore the Finnish Tank Leader included in the OOB. There are no tanks in this scenario.

(PG-Tank Dude on 2010 Apr 30)
Overall balance chart for 951

The reduced direct fire value in Kursk: Burning Tigers is 4-4.

(plloyd1010 on 2015 Jul 31)
Overall balance chart for 993

Kommissars never get morale or combat modifiers. Ignore misprints.

(Shad on 2010 Dec 15)

Display AARs (3)

AFDeluxe. Escenario 7
Author enrique
Method Solo
Victor Draw
Play Date 2014-01-15
Language Español
Scenario AFDx007

En este escenario una pequeña fuerza finlandesa (dos compañías aproximadamente) defiende la ribera de un río helado apoyándose en cinco hexes atrincherados. Ataca un batallón de infantería soviética. A retaguardia de la débil línea finlandesa se encuentra una población, que también debe ser defendida. Hacia el final de la partida los finlandeses reciben el refuerzo de una compañía de infantería adicional. La batalla tiene lugar casi todo el tiempo de noche en un territorio densamente arbolado, con tres tipos de bosque: denso, "normal" y ligero.

Al poco de empezar la partida vi que estaba muy desnivelada y que los soviéticos, a pesar de su mayor número, no tenían potencia de fuego ni capacidad de movimiento, con lo que sus opciones de victoria eran prácticamente nulas. En consecuencia volví a empezar modificando las reglas del siguiente modo: rebajé la moral de los finlandeses a 7/7, eliminé la ventaja que estos tienen en el combate a corta distancia (asaltos) y eliminé también la limitación de -1 en las tablas de fuego directo y bombardeo por nocturnidad. El resultado fue una partida ajustadísima y apasionante, como a continuación explico.

Los finlandeses despliegan una fina línea con todos sus efectivos a lo largo del río helado. Se apoyan en cinco campos atrincherados (uno de ellos más retrasado, a mitad de camino entre el río y la población). Los soviéticos se despliegan en cuatro grupos, uno al este, otro al oeste, el grueso al centro y una compañía de reserva al centro también, pero algo más retrasada. El objetivo de los soviéticos es aprovechar su superioridad numérica y forzar con el grupo principal el paso del río por el centro. Los otros grupos fijarían a los finlandeses sobre el terreno.

Los soviéticos consiguen cruzar el río por un punto en el centro, asaltando una de las posiciones atrincheradas (ocupada por una batería de 75mm que se defendió ejemplarmente). Los finlandeses resisten ardorosamente, pero la artillería y la concentración de fuego directo de los soviéticos hace que el final la línea se quiebre. Los fineses abandonan o pierden las posiciones atrincheradas y retroceden en orden, a pesar de sufrir pérdidas enormes (varias secciones y todos los líderes menos uno). Al final se refugian en la población a retaguardia. En ese momento entra la compañía de refuerzo finlandesa, que acude a la defensa de la población. La lucha por la población es épica. Los asaltos se suceden. Al final, de los nueve hexes de población, los finlandeses controlan seis y los tres restantes son disputados por ambos contendientes sin que ninguno consiga controlarlos.

La batalla acaba en un ajustadísimo empate, con 27 VP cada bando.

Debería calificarlo con un "5", pero le doy un "4" por las modificaciones realizadas sobre el escenario original.

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A Long Cold Morning
Author Poor Yorek
Method Solo
Victor Draw
Play Date 2014-12-28
Language English
Scenario AFDx007

Finns set up their entrenchments along the north bank of the river as constrained by Sc instructions. 2xINF hold the bridge hex.

Soviets launch a two-pronged attack: group 1 with the HMGs seek to cross at the inland hex along the frozen river; group 2 westerly with one element attacking the western entrenchment; the other infiltrating northwards to attack the norther town from the west road.

I played the Finns very aggressively by design (not from the pov of game victory - where perhaps just sitting in the ENTs or falling back to the town to await turn 20 reinforcements might be the "better" play). The Finn's attack from the bridge/town including one INF platoon from the easternmost ENT. Good idea and they did DIS/DEM a lot of Soviets, but the Stalinites gave as good as they got and this prong, whilst delayed and "hurt," was not hurt enough.

The western attack infiltrators just moved at speed; the group attacking the Finn's ENT there were eventually eliminated. Soviet OBA and mortars cost the Finns a step here.

Long story short: Soviets were able to infiltrate the town from both the western envelopment and pushing recovered units (the morale 10 chekist won the Order of Lenin for his efforts). The victorious Finns 2xINF in the western ENT. however, after defeating the Sov attack could get nothing going: the Soviets had set a block at the captured ENT 0610 and the Finns moving eastward (along the south side of the river hooking around) to find a weak spot were simply hounded to death by OBA and Russian mortars when they came into spotting range.

The major deciding factor however, was relatively weak assault rolls by the Finnish reinforcing group that attempted to re-take the town. The Soviets simply hung tough (two very good leaders for them) and the Finns did't roll well.

Final Tally:

Finns: 22 Soviets steps; 2 ENTs held; 3 town hexes; Soviets had 31 steps north of the river so no Finnish "bonus" points; for a total of 35 VPs.

Soviets: 12 Finnish steps; 3 ENTs held; 4 town hexes; for a total of 37 VPs.

Played this way, the battle was very exciting going down to the last turns as had Finnish assaults been more successful (only needed two more Soviet step losses) or had the 2xINF group avoided harassing artillery/OF and be able to "come to grips" - Soviets would not have maintained the 30+ steps N of the river to avoid the Finnish bonus point award.

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Happy Christmas Mr Stalin
Author waynebaumber
Method Solo
Victor Finland
Play Date 2012-10-31
Language English
Scenario AFDx007

Soviet force launch and early attack on Christmas morning in deep snow and across frozen rivers hoping to catch the Finn's unawares. The Soviet force hampered by terrain and the snow make slow but steady progress throwing out two flanking columns while taking lightly held entrenchments along the only road leading to the town. Initially the Finnish defense was slow to react and just fell back however a charismatic and enterprising leader (Lut 11-2-2)and took charge of a counterattack on the Soviet Western flanking column. Accurate fire followed by a wild charge soon sent the Russkies heading back to the relative safety of the dense woods. The easternmost Russian attack had now flanked the town and were infiltrating the suburbs. However accurate artillery fire combined with terrain meant that there a trail of disrupted, demoralized and just plain lost Soviet units leading southwards and only two platoons had reached the town. Russian artillery was very inaccurate causing as many casualties on their own side as the Finns and the Commissar had to use deadly force to get the cowering infantry back on the advance. By the time Finnish reinforcements arrived the battle was almost over, quickly retaking the one area of town which had been occupied, the Finns slowly pushed the Soviets southwards. Although some ground had been taken and held this was another costly attack by the Russian's in this Winter War. *A solid scenario illustrating how tough the Soviet forces found it that winter of 39. The entire board apart from fields and towns is wooded and with visibility being one hex for most of the game there were many friendly fire incidents on both sides. If you can imagine the many terrain changes this scenario is well worth a try though if FtF the Soviet player has a tough old time of it *

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