Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Planning Ahead Paid Off
Author Hugmenot (Germany)
Method Face to Face
Victor Germany
Participants Matt W (AAR)
Play Date 2013-07-20
Language English
Scenario PaLe009

Played face-to-face against Matt W.

You can see my German setup in post 8 of this thread. I spent 90 minutes preparing my setup the evening the game because I did not want a repeat of our last scenario involving board 32; in that scenario, Panzer Lehr #05, my troops were unable to contain the British advance and Matt easily won a major victory.

The idea was to be offer some resistance early while being to pull back towards board 32 under cover once the British commander committed his troop.

The British suffered some back luck with early FoW rolls on the first two turns and by marching their troops from the empty town on the northwest board towards the town on the northeastern board. Time after time I would reveal one hidden unit and take opportunity fire. With the British rolling double-digits constanlt, I left a big sea of red and black markers just short of the town. The British advance from the North was slowed down by FoW and also by their first Sherman being caught in a crossfire.

The British did extract a little bit of revenge when one of their planes reduced a PzIVH, the only loss I would take this game.

I believe Matt was frustrated by the way the game is progressing and he committed important assets into two assaults. After both assaults went entirely my way, Matt asked if it was OK to stop and I agreed. We could not see how the British could recover quickly enough to mount a serious attack again before turn 10 (of a 15-turn game) and with them being so far behind in terms of victory points, it just an exercise in futility.

German major victory!

I was very pleased with my setup. Not only the British walked into several ambushes, I had already started shifting troops in better position by the time we ended the game. I gave this one a “4” because I believe it’s very well balanced, with the hidden units being critical to the German side. I enjoyed the time spent determining lines of retreat while considering my potential setup.

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