Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Truly Trashed
Author Matt W (Britain)
Method Face to Face
Victor Germany
Participants Hugmenot (AAR)
Play Date 2013-07-20
Language English
Scenario PaLe009

A huge British force of a complete brigade with a large armored componentis attacking a medium sized Lehr force. I'm afraid that my mind was not appropriately set on managing my British troops in this one. I remembered a couple of scenarios back when I actually took Tilly and chased Lehr through the town, taking huge sections of the town and cutting the Lehr forces in two. It was a very gratifying win and one which reflected well on British arms.

It was therefore with a certain amount of dismay to find that I had to start out farther back and that the defenders were substantially reinforced from the last time I took the town. I prepared to meet the expected immediate German forces and set up for some strong assaults on my front. Like the boxer who takes a mightly roundhouse swing at his opponent and misses, my assaults hit pure air as Daniel had wisely avoided setting up in the immediate front.

Critically off balance, I lurched forward to the next set of towns expecting a battle and being gratified by the appearance of that defense I neglected to notice that a substantial component of my force had become disrupted or demoralized. Anxious to gain some traction I assaulted the urban terrain, with some strength and expectation of success. Instead my men took casualties and became disordered. Becoming completely punchdrunk I went at them with my true strength, including the AVRE, Sappers and good leaders and stunned, saw disaster after disaster befall my troops. After 5-6 turns I had lost 17 steps to the Lehr 2 and had taken exactly zero town hexes that were defended. The large force that I was sending across the hills to the east had to stop to defend the taken areas from a possible counterattack. This was a major blow to my plans.

At this point I had to face the situation as if I was the commander of the brigade. I could have pressed home the attack but my men were already highly disordered. I had taken high losses and I had failed my morale check. At the same time I am playing PG I am also playing the Civil War, Brigade series from MMP/the Gamers. It includes a very well considered feature called "Attack Stoppage", the point at which an ordered attack has lost its impetus and the morale of the attackers is insufficient to impel the men forward. That is precisely what happened here.

I apologized profusely to Daniel but the losses and position precluded any positive motion in my mind. I conceded and we moved on. This truly is a very good scenario and one worth playing again, with a better frame of mind. The Germans do need the hidden units as they permit their forces to consider ambushes, etc. I give it a "4" for the potential. I'm afraid my play and die rolling were only a two, but I can't penalize the scenario for my mistakes.

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