Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
The Last Bullet
Author waynebaumber (Germany)
Method Dual Table Setup + Voice Chat
Victor Germany
Participants campsawyer (AAR)
Play Date 2011-03-14
Language English
Scenario NoEl006

This was my first scenario played with Skype and also my first against one those rebellious colonists. I played the very patient and friendly Mr Alan Sawyer, played over 16 turns this scenario has out numbered US infantry with some tank,engineer and aircraft support trying to stop a German kampgruppe trying to seal of an American penetration of the West Wall. The Germans have good OBA the American OBA is subject to ammo shortage. Rain will also stop any US fighter/bombers so as the German I was hoping that it would be a very wet day. I had decided to attack strongly which ever board was least defended and use a small force to keep the US forces on the other board pinned. I have to say this simple plan worked well, helped it is true by very accurate artillery fire, the Germans stormed into the two towns on boards 24 and sent the US forces reeling back. Meanwhile the US units on board 22 watched and waited I was expecting a tank led counter attack at some stage but the Sherman crews must have found something else to occupy them in the town! The Germans regrouped and surged towards the large town, now the American began to shoot straight, prior to this they could not hit a barn door,and German losses began to mount. One of the Sherman platoons broke away from the town and drove out to the North. Was this the start of a limited attack to try and grab back some town hexes. No actually they had just gone for a little run in the country. The game ended in a major German victory, for a while it was tense though and I was helped at the start with some good die rolls. I was a pleasure to play Alan and I hope we can have many more virtual FtF sessions.

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