Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Dice, Dice my kingdom for a good diceroll
Author campsawyer (Germany)
Method Dual Table Setup + Voice Chat
Victor Germany
Participants waynebaumber (AAR)
Play Date 2011-03-14
Language English
Scenario NoEl006

Played this with Wayne Baumber over Skype call. First time Skpying for him but he caught on quickly. I find it quite enjoyable to have the virtual face-to-face battles

As the Americans I was able to setup and control the towns first and plan out some good defensive fire plans. I thought I had a good setup other than the fact that I needed to occupy two boards but I could dig in and have a good defensive front. Well that went on the window on the first fire diceroll from Wayne, a 2 on a 42 column attack, I had a bad feeling about the dicerolls from there on out. My fears were confirmed on my first OP first and OBA, 7's.

Well, Wayne pulled off a textbook attack and my troops could barely fire back. He rushed the towns on board 22 after more 2's and 11's from his OBA knock out my M18 and INF's. There was a bit of a battle, even had some GI's rush his Stug that ventured to far forward and was able to get a step loss on it, but it was too little for the battle. Next he turned his troops on the town on board 24. Again rushing the town where the OP fire rolls were weak. He was able to get close, but he got a little to trusting on my bad dice and two platoons were hit by 2's by OP fire killing both steps. Again to little to late on the dicerolls. He was still rolling 2's, 3's and 11's with his massed OBA. It became a bloodbath with assaults into the town on board 24 both sides pushing troops in, but in the end he had more and my casualties were mounting. Wayne was able to pull out a Major victory.

I thought was a good scenario, well balanced and good victory conditions, and would play again to try to see if the dice would be any different.

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