Panzer Grenadier Battles on May 19th:
Conquest of Ethiopia #30 - Ras Destà Strikes Again Fall of France 2 #28 - Sidi Brahim Again
Fall of France 1 #30 - Sidi Brahim Again Fall of France 2 #29 - Route Charlemagne
Fall of France 1 #31 - Holding the Flank Swallows of Death #22 - Fleeting Success
Fall of France 2 #27 - Allez! De Gaulle! Swallows of Death #23 - Stuck on the Sambre
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Urban Assault

Panzer Grenadier Headquarters Library Battle Type: Urban Assault for Panzer Grenadier game series

Great pleasure or great pain - it all depends on your perspective. As the defender, a morale bonus will keep your troops calm while the roof over your head soaks up incoming fire. As the attacker, you need ask yourself one question: do I have engineers?

Overall Rating, 6,589 votes
Battle Type Rank: 13 of 25

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