Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 18th:
Fall of France 1 #48 - Le Deluge Panzer Lehr #10 - Chateau de Cordillon
Fall of France 1 #49 - "We Will Not Surrender!" Polish Exiles #9 - Last Stand of the Podhale Rifles
Fall of France 2 #40 - "We Will Not Surrender!" Polish Exiles #12 - For Warsaw!
Invasion 1944 #15 - More Jitters Polish Exiles #13 - First to Fight
Panzer Lehr 2 #9 - Trash the Town to Take It Saipan 1944 #16 - Slopes of Fina Susu
Panzer Lehr 2 #10 - Chateau de Cordillon Saipan 1944 #17 - On to Magicienne Bay
Panzer Lehr #9 - Trash the Town to Take It Saipan 1944 #18 - The Fighting Sixty-Ninth

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