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Full Version: [PG-HQ Dev Blog] 2012 December Update
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(link to previous month's blog)

Done Last Month:
  • unit image coverage went from 75% to 97%, and the last 3% are sitting on my hard drive waiting to be added
  • Impartial Leader Selector
  • Saipan 1944 is online
Current Major Project: None

At the end of November I flew over to Canada and will be here for the next 2 weeks or so on business. After that I'll join my wife and son down in Tampa for Xmas and New Year's before returning to China. During this time I will only be doing the bare minimum site work, such as fixing today's Saipan-related bug.

Final thought: we set new site traffic records in November. We were up 10% from October and October was up 15% from September. It's great to see that after 2.5 years we're still growing. Smile

The growth is a testament to your hard work. The site is constantly improving both from a content standpoint and from a graphical presentation standpoint. I often wonder how you are doing all of this with a new child and a new job, but then I forget about all that, and enjoy it. Thank you for your diligence and your attention and I hope you have a marvelous holiday season!
Fantastic web site. Getting quite enthused about completing some scenarios and posting AAR's.