Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Next time, bring a map
Author J6A
Method Solo
Victor Australia
Play Date 2020-02-20
Language English
Scenario KoCa004

An interesting scenario. The Aussies start with 3 units and 2 leaders in the front village. One of the leaders is a local Sergeant, who moves faster than normal, and he and units stacked with him treat jungle as heavy jungle. They also get 2 platoons that enter from the west edge. The Australian objective is to get troops off the west edge. Yes, you read that correctly. Those units can enter and leave right away to help the Australians...but there's a catch. The Japanese enter from the North, East and South, and if the Australians just bring those units on and retreat them, the troops in the village probably won't escape, and that will give the Japanese a victory.

I sent 2 stacks of Japanese towards the village, and 1 stack each from the North and South. The Australians left one platoon as a rear guard in the village, while the other 2 went with the sergeant towards the west edge. It took the Japanese a few turns to clear the village, and most of the fighting was around the crossroads near the west edge. Here, Japanese luck went sour. The Australians got 1st fire in assault, and despite 9/8 morale, the Japanese broke and/or reduced in droves. The stack engaging the Australians who entered from the west lost its officer to Seppuku (well, desertion, and this is a Japanese force) which meant they couldn't assault the Australians to pin them in place. The stack with the sergeant, having the upper hand in the assault, disengaged, the the Japanese missed with their free shot. With the ability to treat jungle as light jungle, they dashed for the exit. All told, the Australians extracted most of their force as they had historically, and won it 9-2.

this is a fast, small scenario and was a lot of fun. I can see it being played FtF in an hour or so.

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