Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
A Glorious Victory for the Motherland!
Author Les Staurt (Soviet Union)
Victor Soviet Union
Participants cjsiam (AAR)
Play Date 2019-12-28
Language English
Scenario PGUM005

Ordered to cross an unfordable river into the teeth of waiting Tigers at a single bridge, I fully expected to have my command blown apart, leaving nothing but scattered hulks of burning T34s littered across a desolate landscape. But the heroic courage of our armored forces proved that even the greatest Panzer so far fielded by the Nazi army can be defeated by our brave tankers.

The Nazis deployed two platoons of infantry about 600 meters from the bridge, and a single platoon of the dreaded Tiger tanks further to the rear an additional 400 meters, giving them excellent command of the bridge.

Our most excellent tanks, 6 platoons of T34As dashed across the bridge and fanned-out to the right and left on the far side of the river. The Nazi tanks sprang into action and scored hits that reduced one platoon but failed to knock out any unit completely. Our heroic tankers held firm against the terrible onslaught and continued their drive across the river to get within effective range of our tank's guns.

Our enemy’s infantry was unable to anchor either flank, so our tankers were able to easily bypass them and race to the flanks of the Nazi Tigers. With excellent speed and agility, I was able to split my command and drive to the Tigers flanks, placing them in a deadly cross-fire.

Amazingly, the Tigers failed to organize a defense in good time and our T34s fired quickly and accurately, destroying Tigers before they were able to get a shot off in their defense.

This situation is an excellent example of the difficulties facing both sides fighting in open terrain with widely scattered forces. The Axis defense was too far from the bridge and too sparse to effectively stop a crossing, and excellent Allied initiative and speed, not to mention outstanding (lucky) gunnery, was able to overcome the Axis's armor superiority.

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