Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
A brutal affair
Author J6A
Method Solo
Victor State of Israel
Play Date 2019-12-23
Language English
Scenario SwIs006

In this scenario, the Israelis have 2 forces, a small one backed up by the nigh-invulnerable Centurions, and a large one mostly equipped with Pattons, with a lot of infantry mounted in M3s. The Israelis get air support for the 1st 4 turns, and have a bit of OBA, which can fire starshells, although I don't think that's their best use (see below). To win the Israelis either have to reduce the Egyptians below 8 undemoralized steps (of over 100 at start!) or eliminate all of the Egyptian Artillery and AFVs. The Egyptians are subject to the surrender rule.

Meanwhile, the Egyptians have a lot of infantry, and a smattering of AFVs ranging from SU-100s to T-54s. They also have a number of 85mm AT guns and some lighter AA guns. They have to set up in 3 lines on the board. The hills above 40m are out of play, so the Israelis are racing down a ravine.

I set the Egyptians with a strong line, backed by AT ditches, wires and mine facing the larger force, and wire and mine defenses facing the smaller force, with a weaker line in the middle. Note that a strict reading of the set-up rules could allow the Egyptians to concentrate everything on the hills, and I don't think that was the intent...although it would make for an interesting game.

As mentioned, this one takes place at night. Early on, I had the OBA firing starshells so that the Israelis could see a lot of targets. The downside was that the targets could then often shoot back, so I soon stopped that. The Israeli tanks have searchlights, and they could light up Egyptian targets and blast them to pieces. Yes, other Egyptians could shoot back, and this was less effective against infantry, and it gave the Israelis a big advantage. SoI gives the Egyptians IR for their T-55s (none in this scenario) and "Commanders." Commanders isn't defined, so I assumed it meant leaders. However, they aren't very good with it, and it really only helps units in a hex with a leader.

Anyway, the Israelis found it slow going with the smaller force. The Centurions did very well vs. the armor, however they were having trouble rooting out the infantry. And the infantry couldn't get too close in M3s, because they were very vulnerable to short range AT fire. A LOT of M3s were lost this way, several of them loaded. However, given that the Israelis had to basically eliminate everything, Israeli casualties weren't that big a deal, besides eating into the initiative bonus.

One the east side, the Israelis were forced around the AT ditches into more heavily defended areas, and with less capable tanks and infantry having to walk (starshells made M3s juicy targets) it was slower going, however they broke through by mid game. I had the Egyptians all dug in behind the AT ditch, in retrospect I probably should have put some in the AT ditches, as they provide good defense, although not first fire.

Once the northern section of the eastern line collapsed, the Israelis started rolling up that line and slammed into the weaker center line. The western line was still holding its own, however increasing numbers of Egyptians were surrendering and the 1st 2 lines started to disintegrate. On turn 13, the Israelis had a logistics shortage, and there were still about 30 steps of Egyptians left. By turn 16, the shortage had become critical. However, the Israelis pressed on, and despite losing 5 Patton units and 5 halftracks platoons to logistics failure, they were finally able to eliminate the last Egyptian armor and AT gun on turn 17 to claim the victory. Casualties were very high for the Israelis, with 10 tank steps, plus 2 AA Jeeps, 6 Inf platoons, 2 HMG platoons and 15 M3s being eliminated in combat while the Egyptians were essentially wiped out.

A very tense scenario. The Israelis rolled very well on turn 17 for the victory, closer to average might have cost them the scenario. There's not a ton for the Egyptians to do besides decide where to shoot. They have limited mobility, so this might be better solo. However, it is definitely a challenge for both sides.

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