Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Standfast !
Author leonard (Britain)
Method Face to Face
Victor Britain
Participants unknown
Play Date 2019-11-06
Language English
Scenario RtDk042

The scenario has seen a few changes from initial version. Only the victory conditions were modified and I enjoyed playing it with the British (defending) in the current version. The German player attacked boldly launching motorcycle troops and AFVs fast forward. My A13 platoon missed several easy shots vs the sIG and his infantry loaded trucks but all bridges were blowed out in time. This, alone, meant that the German had to rely on his lone engineer unit to get his troops on the other side of the river. And it was a slow process... In the meantime, both the A13s tank platoons were reduced but were standing fast, in good order. Then, the Territorials ran through the fields to assault a Pz38t platoon (the tanks that were supposed to be French !) and completely destroyed it + a 2-pdr shot from one of the A13 eventually took out the sIG platoon : the French casualties were mounting (16) while the British casualty level still was at 10. The rest of the scenario was a slow fighting withdrawal by the British. At the end of the twenty turns, the Germans just gained one objective (number of town hexes controlled). Total victory for the British !

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