Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Author TFGA73
Method Solo
Victor United States
Play Date 2019-11-03
Language English
Scenario BlDi002

Blackshirt Division Scenario 2: Trovare ail Nemico

Background: This scenario uses four maps and a total of 25 pieces, and features an Italian recon force with motorcycle infantry and AB232 armored cars taking on an American infantry company backed up by some Stuarts. 12 turns, no off board artillery, so this one moves fast.

The Italians victory conditions are unique; they need to cover the distance of one of the two east/west roads and get within sighting range of all hilltops. It’s a true recon mission—drive in and look around.

Setup: The Americans put a force on each road. The bulk of the infantry and one Stuart set up in the town on the south road, while the northern group, with the other Stuart and a pair of infantry platoons, set up in a narrow on the north road.

Recap: The Italians split in two, with a pair of motorcycle platoons and an AB232 taking each road. The southern US force plays it safe, with a couple platoons engaging the motorcycles while the other platoons mount up and fall back. The north group jumps out and moves right in, and they pay the price: a full infantry platoon, their M3s, and their lieutenant are all lost. The remaining Infantry and M3, now leaderless, drops back.

But the Stuart’s are intact, and between turns 5 and 7 they succeed in taking out both AB232 without a loss. Also the American infantry that fell back pounds the the Italians once they work aroind the west side of the town. At this point the Italians abandon the attack on the north road and try to pull the remaining motorcycle platoons for a final attack on the south road. In the end they cannot pull it together in time and fail to cover one of the roads in entirety. American victory!

Analysis: This one of the quickest PG games I’ve ever played and took about 45 minutes start to finish. It’s quick playing and unique. The Italian path to victory is tough as the Stuart’s are fast and tough to beat with what they have on hand.

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