Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Soviets want a do-over
Author scrane
Method Solo
Victor Canada
Play Date 2019-10-30
Language English
Scenario MaLB002

This is a fun scenario, and I think I learned a lot about tactics that I really should have understood by now. The Canadians are defending a road and towns from Soviet attack. They have a battalion of mechanized infantry, a squadron of recce cars and 3 batteries of excellent AT guns. I deployed them in depth on the western 2 of 3 boards, with one company (including the battalion mortars) and 2 AT guns defending a ridge line and town on the middle board, a second company defends the main town on the westernmost board and the last company in reserve behind them. The recce a/c are deployed in a screen in front of the Canadian position, mostly in light woods along the southern edge.

The Soviets repeat their tactical mistake from scenario 1, splitting their force into two parallel battalion strength attacks, one aimed at or bypassing the northern ridge, one aiming at the first defended town just south of the ridge. An extra few company of infantry were going to secure the Soviet southern flank, and a battalion of T44s with SMG tank riders were divided between the assault battalions.

The Soviets were guards, and had fantastic leadership. Their attack was proceeding well, but at they moved into engagement range of the northern ridge the battalion cohesion was lost. Significant tank losses. In the center, the Soviets decided to bypass the town and press on into the heart of the Canadian position. They lost their momentum and were pinned down by a Canadian counterattack. After about 4 hours, the Soviets had suffered 50% casualties, and I called the game. The Canadians had suffered barely a scratch.

The mistake I keep making with the Soviets is to fail to attack in echelons. I'm putting 90% of their combat power on line, instead of concentrating it against a single point in waves. Every attack loses cohesion and momentum, and the Canadians are able to counterattack and stop the Soviets completely. It was easy in Scenario 1 against weakly led RKKA, and still very easy against much more respectable Guards here. Canadian 27th Infantry Brigade has badly bloodied two regiments of Soviets with almost no losses so far. Time for Ivan to get smart and use his numbers correctly.

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