Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Over the hill and go away
Author plloyd1010 (Germany)
Victor Germany
Participants NBGB (AAR)
Play Date 2019-09-25
Language English
Scenario RtBr010

Rather than do a true AAR, this will be a strategic review of options. My opponent is rather new to the PG universe and this was one of his first shared. In case you are wondering, yes, he has gotten dangerous.

Operationally, the Germans are trying to relieve the siege of Budapest. The battle of which this scenario is a part, is often referred to as the last panzer victory. The Germans are attempting to march across the map and kill a few Russians along the way. Stavka’s is simpler, just kill the Germans.

The 10th Panzer Div. Enters the south-west sides of the map with orders to exit the north-est sides. The Russians have 2 options, ambush or block. Without double-blind play, ambushes don’t seem to work well. The best blocking positions are at the exits in the north-east. There are towns and woods which channel the Germans into 3 paths. The Russian problem is that they don’t have enough infantry (as if they ever do), or support weapons (obviously this commander never read Glantz’s book on Soviet AT defenses). On the other hand, they do have a battalions worth of T-34s.

The Russians should probably form a defensive triangle with the towns and hill on board 21. Strength should go to the wings. This will need to be done carefully as the infantry component is small. The T-34s should be held in reserve until the German route is clear. The Germans should plan a route over one position, probably one of the wings, and suppress an adjacent position, probably the center. The big Russian trick will be to get the tanks in good position as in front and side, before the panzers take them out.

My execution? Go over the northern hill while suppressing the town between the hill and woods.

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