Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
General, we need more than tanks
Author campsawyer (Soviet Union)
Method Dual Table Setup + Voice Chat
Victor Germany
Participants vince hughes (AAR)
Play Date 2010-10-14
Language English
Scenario MaoL001

Just finished this small scenario using the "Play by Skype" method with Vince Hughes. The scenario has Soviet tanks trying to overrun a German infantry division holding a small river crossing. The Germans have a small contingent of infantry, AT guns, infantry guns, HMG's, ENG's and OBA to try to stop Soviet T-28s, BT-5s and BT-7s. The Germans have an edge in morale and the hold the defensive position of the south side of the river. The Soviets have a 14 tank units and the mobility of the armored vehicles.

The scenario starts a 0800am with the Soviets advancing down the north-south road toward the German line. The Germans are spread out along the river with infantry stationed near the river to contest any crossing. Heavy machine guns were positioned on the bridge and the artillery was positioned close behind to support the infantry. Deadly German AT guns were well positioned out of site of the advancing tanks. (Note - we played setting up the AT guns out of site of the advancing Soviets). Once the first T-28s reached the edge of board 5 and 7 the tank groups split into two groups, one going just east of the river and one going just west of the river to try to flank the Germans. At this point, German OBA started to come down on the tanks but it had little effect. A 150mm Infantry gun started to fire on the advancing tanks but it had little effect. The Soviet tanks moved a little closer and then German 37mm guns started to fire scoring an initial kill. The Soviet tankers to the east started to move around the gun camouflaged in the woods, but we hit by a second hidden gun. Backing off the attack a second BT-7 platoon was hit and had to fall back.

To the west the T-28s with supporting BT-7s moved to cross the river, but nimble German infantry moved to block the Soviets crossing points. AT fire from a small town turned the Soviet attack back from the rivers edge. Regrouping the T-28's tried to silence the 150mm gun protecting the bridge defenders. A gun duel started with the infantry gun finally being destroyed but not after claiming two steps of Soviet tanks. German HMG's provided support fire to try to turn the Soviets tanks back.

As the scenario was drawing to the end, Soviets tried one final push to get over the river. They were successful but with heavy casualties. In the end only 5 steps of Soviet tanks made it across the river. The Germans had destroyed 10 steps and the remaining tanks were struggling to recover on the north side of the river. The Germans won a major victory.

Historically, the scenario is accurate, the Soviets had a very hard time trying to with this one. Without a combined force the Soviets are very one dimensional. The Germans have a lot of options to defend. Each one on it own cannot stop the tanks but together they will be able to defeat the Soviet tanks. From a game perspective, this scenario favors the Germans, with the different mix of units, morale, OBA and setup/terrain. I would also look to this scenario as a good one to teach defense of a tank attack with just an infantry and light artilley.

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