Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Germans can Strike Back
Author Dan_Huffman (Germany)
Method Face to Face
Victor Germany
Participants unknown
Play Date 2019-06-25
Language English
Scenario GJ27001

I put the Tiger in the town at the center of the maps. It is in the center of first possible hex row for German counter placement. I placed 2 too many inf or MG units in the eastern most town. On turns that the German's roll a die and on a 5 - 6 visibility is 12 hexes max. US also get a random selected plane. That made me cautious about moving in the open between the W to E towns.

Bruce brought all unit loaded on APCs. Armored vehicles stayed off board the first turn. Took me a few activations to realize that the APc had ATF defense of 0 and the Tiger is an 8 - 8. So at 6 hexes that is -1. So + 7 to the die and the Tiger is efficient. Took out 3 APc in the forst two turns. Then my dice went cold. He scurried to get to 9 hexes away. He brought his M 18 Hellcats. Move 7 mos and still shoot once. Had to hide in the nearby fields.

Bruce likes going down the edges of the map. Town hexes are 2 German and 3 US. 1 VP per personal unit step and 2 VP per AFV step. As I shot up his APCs I took out 3 of his leaders due to leader loss rolls. US starts with 5. There is a town on the south side next to some light woods and 40 meter hill. That position was overrun after about 12 turns. The Hellcats tool out one step of Hertzer and then went East to occupy the one hex town in the N.E. corner. Leader loss made it difficult for Bruce to get anything going. Had to risk his Lt. Col. to move troops closer the two towns in the middle of the west side of the maps. He sent troops in to assault me in the town. This contest the town so no one get VP's. Actually what was there I should have been eliminated. Survived M2 check and recovered. The +1 for being a town is a nice bonus.

During the last 8 turns he 3 planes. That is of course when I starting moving counters one to a hex using a lousy leader. His planes shredded my personnel units.

Won since he could not get the Western town. The on the east edge was 7 hexes and gave me lots of points.

Things to remember Hellcats lose their shoot and scoot when reduced. M/f or F/m

One has to parse the rules figure this one out. Planes making a DF on a Closed Top AFV get to inflict a one step loss on a 2X or 3x result. Note the DF table states 2X or 3X results causes M check for AFV. Rule 15.4 only states that one step is lost, if the attacking player desires.

It is the AFV table that states that a M2 check is made if a AFV takes a hit.

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