Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
An Incredible Die Rolling Event
Author SARACV3
Method Solo
Victor Soviet Union
Play Date 2019-04-30
Language English
Scenario KurS002

Several key die rolls during this scenario caused the Soviets to crush Death Heads and the game was stopped at the 8th turn. The Grants didn't even get down to Gromuchi, although they did enter the board, 6 German officers, yes 6, were killed or deserted. A SPW unit carrying a mortar + officer was destroyed. A StgIIIG step fell victim to a 76.2mm battery stationed in an entrenchment on the NW side of Gromuchi.

Very few units of Thule Infantry reached the town and no parts of the town w ere captured. The Soviets "stacked the deck" in defending the town by having all available infantry stationed in the back in untilthe town. Thus they couldn't be spotted until they moved up and took position in the N end of Gromuchi, The result was that the Assault attack against by the SS did not stand much of a chance. Tanks were the only way to dislodge the Guards. But the Soviets sighted their AT all in the town for maximum defense.

The mud made things worse for the SS tanks- their slow speed made max movement 2 hexes. (I propose a carry over movement from turn to turn- markers could be placed on the units.) The 12 turn limitation made planning exceptionally difficult for the Germans. The mad mud made execution worse. It is not surprising that the Soviets would have some advantages with mines, weather and and a good draw of officers. But it was the incredible Soviet die results, constant 2s and 12s in a dice tower and with different pairs, that earned this game a 5.

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