Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
99th loses again
Author campsawyer (United States)
Method Dual Table Setup + Voice Chat
Victor Germany
Participants vince hughes (AAR)
Play Date 2010-09-30
Language English
Scenario ElsR005

This is complementary report to Vince Hughes play. This was played over a course of several session using a Skype connection

The American 99th Division was one of the divisions that were green and had the unlucky misfortune of taking the early German assault of the Bulge. This scenario shows how they faired. They had plenty of troops, OBA, but only fair morale. The Germans are better in morale and tanks. Both sides setup in a meeting engagement stance and have to race forward to capture key terrain before the other one.

For the details of the battle, I defer to Vinces AAR. He has detailed the action very well. I will add a few notes about my strategy. The Americans need to attack and be aggressive to kill German steps early in the game because once German Panthers arrive this will tip the balance of power. From the beginning I had a tough time maintaining an aggressive attack and had to rely on OBA to inflict most of the damage. Dice rolls and very good German commander limited my ability to get the American infantry into positions to assault his units particularly his armor. American AT is good but it will have to deal with thick German armor and the shots will have low odds of getting kills on most tanks. I was lucky with one AT shot to knock out some of his StugIIIBs. In the end the weight of the German Panthers tipped the VP count toward the Germans and the American's did not have the resources to counter the strong German attack.

As far as the scenario goes, this is a very good scenario for face to face or Skype play. Both sides have a plenty of troops and choices, but they will also find themselves limited by the strengths of the other side forcing you to think differently about how to win. It is a tough scenario, but well worth a play.

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