Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Roll up the Flank
Author Blackcloud6
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2018-12-04
Language English
Scenario KurS015

An interesting scenario in that the Germans really don't have to take the town to win. They just have to force the Soviets into a fight, duke it out and cause more casualties. With their efficient tanks this could be done.

The Russians set up with a company of infantry in the town and one to each flank of the town, dug in to prevent an encirclement. the extremes of the flanks were protected by the Grants. The T-34s were forward in the fields to used the limited terrain and to prevent and approach through that terrain by the Germans. The mines backed that up by covering the clear terrain from the fields to the town.

The Germans chose to advance on their left, attack and roll up the Russian right and take a couple of town hexes if needed. But the goal was to kill Russians while keeping German losses down.

The Russian tanks fires in the first few turns was deadly as the T-34s took out some Pz IVs and then pulled back into the fields for cover. The Germans were concerned and pressed the attack. Their morale got bolster by killing the Grants to their front. The Grants proved to be nearly worthless and just gave points to the Germans.

The Germans did roll up the Russian right as the T-34s moved to the fields behind the town to protect the rear if the Germans tried to flank.

Once the germans rolled up the flank and killed a few morre tanks, they had a Major Victory racked up and thus decided to not tempt luck and just moved forward effectively by passed the town. The Russians tried for more kill in a feeble attempt to gain more points to lower the germ,an VC to minor or if real lucky, a draw. But the germans used smoke to cover their move. the game ended 25 to 17 in favor of the Germans.

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