Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Sometimes You've Got to Do It Your Way
Author arixius
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2018-09-25
Language English
Scenario EFDx035

Now and then the OOB attempts to give you hints of what strategy to use. A lot of OBA and you know bombing is going to be something decisive. A bunch of APVs and you know you will probably have to move quick at some point of the game. Sometimes the OOB makes no sense (to me). And sometimes you see the implied strategy is foolish and go another way. That was this scenario.

Germans have to cross a river from the west and eliminate all the Soviets on the eastern board. The Soviets set up a dug-in AT and HMG roadblock at the only bridge, several small arms and AT along the route to the eastern town (excellent cross-fire set-up), a forward mortar base and located the remaining forces in the eastern town.

The Germans have a pontoon bridge that takes twelve turns (a third of the game) to set up. I didn't even bother. Just blasted the Soviet roadblock and started crossing the river in the fourth turn. It didn't hurt that I had a leader with a combat rating of two, though. The Germans had a lot of trucks but knowing it's not a good idea to travel through an AT kill zone in trucks the cardboard Germans left them behind and just ran. The German OOB also included a bunch of smaller ATs. Not a lot of used when you have to run. Left those behind, too.

Moving across the middle board my AFVs on the right flank cleared the Soviet AFVs in the southern town but got badly mauled. The infantry on the left flank ran into the woods and assaulted the forward mortar base. The remaining generally keep a wide/deep march (stacked only one high) and headed east with the HMGs on the road to keep up with the 3MA INF. The Soviets used their OBA and town based arty to flatten a few leaders and HMGs. But, by turn 12, the Germans began their assault of the town. If the Germans relied on the pontoon bridge they would be just be starting their march east.

It was a grueling pile of assaults but the superior German moral played a key role in plowing forward (German 8/7, Soviet 7/5). Those 5s really hurt. By the 24th turn the remaining Soviets were almost surrounded so several raggedy leaders and INF broke free and ran north and south. Since ALL of the Soviets had to be eliminated for the Germans to win this was a gamey tactic. But using remaining German APVs and OBA these stragglers were eventually taken out. The game ended at turn 29.

So pay attention to what the OOBs implys but don't be cemented to it. Use your own tactical judgement.

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