Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Followed History
Author Blackcloud6
Method Solo
Victor Ethiopia
Play Date 2018-07-19
Language English
Scenario COOE001

1500 hours, 4 October, 1935: Italian officers lead Serae Banda troops from Eritrean tribes to clear a path north to continue the advance into Ethiopian territory. Ethiopian Imperial irregular troops hold positions on the high ground along the trail and the Daro Tacle fort (the entrenchment in hex 0709). The Serae Bando attack in troop groups and approach under steady fire from the Irregulars.

1600 hours. The Serae Banda attack on the left flank forces back the forward Ethiopian position but meets accurate fire from a dug in HMG on the reverse of the hill slowing the advance. But on the right flank, the a tenacious Ethiopian platoon holds fast in it's position holding off an assault from the attackers and inflicting casualties upon them.

1645 hours: Unable to overcome the HMG fire on the left flank nor the tenacious defense on the right, the Italian officer morale breaks effectively halting the attack. The Serae Banda melt back into to the bush to await reinforcements and armor in order to renew the attack the next day (which is pretty much what happened in the actual battle). And interesting quick scenario which shows how the subtle differences in morale, movement and range can have great effect.

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