Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Guadalcanal #8 Battle of the Tenaru
Author PatC
Method Solo
Victor United States
Play Date 2010-09-19
Language English
Scenario Guad008

"With one swipe of the mailed fist we shall sweep the Americans aside." So Commander Ichicki predicted. It did not work out that way historically nor did it here.

On the approach during the first two turns 0200-0215 the Japanese attempted to shoot it out with the Marines in order to soften them up for the assault. This was a bad decision. In the exchange of fire the Japanese got the worst of it. At 0230 the Japanese assaulted all along the line but could not bring the entire force to bear because of the step losses demoralizations and disruptions suffered previously. Only at one point, where the Marine position was wiped out, did the Japanese have a clear cut success. They tried to reinforce this success with the Col. leading the way but he was killed on an opportunity fire along with one step. This triggering third edition rules 6.72 & 6.73 decapitation and catastrophic loss. The Japanese then used the remainder of that turn and the next trying to recover units with mixed results. By now the Japanese had two forces over the river in assault and could now send two more platoons into another hex. If all assaults were successful the Marine line would be breached.

The Japanese became bogged down in assaults over the next several hours. They were taking the worst of it in the attrition battle. By 0500 the Japanese only had 7 units left. Two of these were 800 meters east of the river recovering. The other 5 were over the river but three were tied up in assault and the other two were boxed in and at the mercy of the rest of the Marine force who had already eliminated Japanese bridgeheads on the west bank. The Japanese retire. The Japanese had lost 24 steps in this action and the Marines 5 steps. This is actually the third time I have played this scenario. It is the first time I've gotten a Marine victory. Usually the Japanese just steam roll the Marines in assaults getting the leader, morale, and nationality bonuses. Not this time. The decision to try to weaken the Marines first with direct fire cost the Japanese the game.

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