Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Americans Drag A Draw From The Jaws Of Certain Victory
Author vince hughes (Germany)
Method Face to Face
Victor Draw
Participants waynebaumber
Play Date 2009-08-03
Language English
Scenario NoWi006

The Germans are allocated 5 platoons of AFV's made of Hetzers, Panzer IV's and my Little Kittens, StGIII's and these advanced from the west towards the a US force of 6 M4 platoons. In a move designed to outflank the Americans, the German commander left a platoon of Hetzers to front the strong Sherman line arrayed on the higher ground before them. It was hoped these Hetzers would hold up, as well as destroy some of the enemy whilst the main German force slipped round the side of the Americans and onwards to their objective. But quick US reactions destroyed this plan very quickly.

The American M4's came down in force covered by the night sky and were, before long able to wipe out the Hetzers positioned to hold off these M4's. They also cleared up two other German platoons composed of StG's and more Hetzers. The Germans were in big trouble now. As this surprising check went on, the remaining German armour attempted to continue their drive east. Once more, numerically superior US forces headed them off and now appeared to be positioned to eliminate the remainder of the much damaged German force.

Miraculously,one platoon of M4's missed an almost point blank chance to inflict damage and this small sniff of fortune was enough to stir-up a German back-lash. Suddenly, the 75mm guns of the remaining German tanks roared out and within just 30 minutes, 5 platoons of the original American 6 platoons had been knocked out of the battle meaning that the balance had been utterly shifted the other way. A game of Cat & Mouse ensued with the 2.5 remaining German platoons trying to hunt down the last American tank platoon for victory. But the M4's managed to slip in an accurate salvo and this meant yet more StG's 'copping it', and with that the remaining Germans lipped away into the night. The battle had proven equally damaging to both sides and on this evening, nobody would be claiming victory around Rittershofen.

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