Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Troop Rotation - North Wind Scenario 3
Author vince hughes (Germany)
Method Face to Face
Victor Germany
Participants waynebaumber
Play Date 2009-08-03
Language English
Scenario NoWi003

Alsace 1st January 1945

Scenario played : 3rd August 2009

Around 1100 hours, a couple of companies from the 70th Division was patrolling the dense forested area of the Alsace area when the distinct sound of German voices could be heard in the distance further north up the forested road. The US greenhorns took up covering positions in the woods and waited. Unknown to them, the Germans had sent some forward artillery observers and these had soon spied the American troopers. Suddenly, on the stroke of midday, the Americans were hit by some unexpected artillery bombardments followed by an immediate assault by German grenadiers. Though casualties were light, two lieutenants were captured by the Germans.

With the loss of a couple of such charismatic officers, the novice US infantrymen were forced to hold their line but with little direction from senior ranks. All the while, on a kilometre frontage, the enemy were piling small arms fire at them, and with the bullets pinging all round American ears whilst they could only fire back in a ad-hoc manner, the Americans allowed their German counter-parts to manoeuvre around them. Still the German artillery rained down on the holding American line and by 1245 hours, around 70 GI’s had been minced or shot by their enemy with precious little offered in return. By 1300 hours, the casualty toll had risen to around 120 losses for the Americans, and, happy with the bloody nose administered upon their enemy, the Germans melted back into the woods content with their raid and it’s effect. With so few officers of note remaining in the American infantry companies, their Major decided not to try and follow and was happy for the let up. His new GI’s would need to learn quickly to avoid such a repeat shallacking !

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