Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
An Irresistable Force
Author Retiredgrunt17
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2017-10-05
Language English
Scenario KRBT038

This game was indicative of many of the battles of Kursk in that the Germans gained tactical superiority over the battlefield. The Germans had many successes at Kursk on a tactical level, but could never gain the upper hand strategically due to attacking with insufficient forces to be able to,penetrate the Kursk defenses to gain operational freedom.

Turn 1-4. The Germans pushed forward to spot Soviet positions to their front and left for direct fire and bombardment.

Turn 4-14. The Germans push in to the town. The Soviets counterattack with armor to the right of, and from behind the town. The Soviets in the town are eliminated and the on turn 11 Soviet reinforcements enter straight in to the center of the German attack. The Soviets are annihlated.

Turn.13-16. The Soviets throw all of their remaining armor in to the German left flank. The Germans take losses, but the Soviet armor is eliminated.

Turn 17-20. The soviets try to gain some hits with arty and direct fire, but it is insignificant. The Germans exit en masse.

The Germans, having pushed through map 42, chose to bypass the ridge with 20 and 40 meter hills entirely. The Soviets had their strongest infantry/artillery defenses here. Bypassing those, the Germans gained in not losing more units fighting and exiting, making up for the points not gained in taking the hill hexes.

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