Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Tiralleurs Hold the Line
Author Schoenwulf
Method Solo
Victor Draw
Play Date 2017-05-29
Language English
Scenario DiMa003

Late in the afternoon of May 15, 1940, the fighting continued between Perbais and Gembloux, Belgium. Units from the French 110th Infantry Regiment were situated in the north central woods and the town in the south, while troops from the 2nd and 7th Regiments des Tiralleurs advanced eastward across the western front from north to south avoiding the open kill zone in the west central region. Elements of the 3rd Panzer Division formed a line along the railroad tracks creating a north-south Axis front line. Axis artillery fire began at 1730 hours, followed by two panzer platoons moving west along the road and an infantry push in the south. Heavy OBA continued to cause disruption and casualties on both sides, but by 1815 hours, the Germans had advanced to the east side of both wooded areas. From then on, the fighting was furious with repeated assaults, but the Allied units held and eventually repelled the Germans. Both sides received reinforcements at 1930 hours, and the French moved quickly to retake the central town. Fortunes then turned worse for the German forces, with an engineer platoon eliminated while trying to clear a mine field, and a deadly accurate French 20mm AA platoon causing casualties in two separate panzer units. The French/Moroccan line held strong, but did not actively pursue the harried German forces. Night came over the battlefield, and the French had vanquished the Axis, but the loss of Allied troops resulted in a draw.

This scenario is played over the halves of two maps, making for a small battlefield with plenty of engagement. Red Division Marocaine units from AP were used for all Moroccan forces, with French units for others.The objectives involve a combination of step loss and hex control (both town and woods) of 14 individual hexes west of the railroad line. Both sides start in strong defensive positions, but the location of most of the victory hexes lie in Allied territory, so the Germans have two options. They could hold back and try to hold the one town hex that they can place units in at the start of the game. However, the French have an OBA edge, a stronger mortar barrage group and aircraft on their first two turns, so trying to hold that hex for a draw is against the long-term odds. The other option is for the Germans to move forward, hoping not to incur greater than a 10-step loss (a minor French victory) and hold more objective hexes while eliminating more French units than they lose. The latter approach was used here, but the Germans ended up losing 29 steps to 19 for the French, and the French still controlled 9 hexes to the Axis total of 4, with one still contested. The French met the conditions for a “major” victory, and the Germans met them for a “minor” victory, so the battle ended in a draw.

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