Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
They Tried But They Couldnt Do It!
Author thomaso827
Method Solo
Victor Soviet Union
Play Date 2017-03-29
Language English
Scenario KurS011

This 12-turn scenario kept me riveted to the very last turn. Soviets hold the large town on board 38, Germans need to kick them out completely or leave nobody but demoralized steps in the town. I set up the Soviets mostly in the town, the two 76.2 guns on the far right and left flanks, the HMG and an infantry in the southernmost hex with the best leader, the commander in the middle of town with the SMG guys where they could react to anything looking like a breakthrough, the AT rifles and infantry also towards the middle, and the mortars with an infantry in the northwest corner where it could fire for spotters and also assist in defending the rear of the town against any Germans trying to flank them. The Soviet T-70 tanks were set up forward in the light woods southeast of town. Germans have to start 5 hexes from the nearest Soviet and on board 37, so having the tanks forward kept the Germans from setting up and crossing the line first thing. The game starts with reduced visibility and gradually lighting up with turn 1 4-hex visibility and turn 2 6-hex visibility, which prevented an early bombardment of anything as the Germans took 3 turns to get into place. Immediately as the T-70s opened fire on approaching German troops, the German Marder III was in place to take out one step, and proceeded to continue to do so until the last T-70 step died on turn 6. Germans were able to move forward on both flanks and get into position to assault from both sides, dropping off board arty, mortars and the direct fire Grille (followed by the Marder joining in after finishing off the Soviet armor) onto the flanks and middle of the town. This killed one of the two 76.2s pretty early and kept the forward town troops busy recovering morale. On the second round of assaults on the western side of town, the German commander became a casualty but this failed to slow down the attack. Soviets were bloodied turn after turn, but just managed to disrupt assaults each time. In the end, Soviets had lost 19 steps to the Germans 5, but on turn 12, with 3 assaults going and needing to at least demoralize the Soviets in all 3, the game ended on the first one as the Soviet mortar survived and retained good order. The German assault on the eastern flank was in doubt and the assault to the southwest had a 50-50 chance, but knowing that the Germans could not win anylonger forced the Germans to consolidate their gains and await more support before going beyond the time allowed. Soviets win. Great game right to that last turn.

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