Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
First Wave wipes out the Australians
Author rerathbun
Method Solo
Victor Japan
Play Date 2010-08-11
Language English
Scenario WaMa002

This is a fairly basic hill and town defense scenario. The Australians set up on the hills and town of board 19, with the Japanese approaching from the north. The Japanese have higher morale, plus artillery, air and armored support, whereas the Australians have the defensive terrain.

The Japanese approached to within two hexes of the dug-in Australians and softened them up with 30 minutes of direct fire, aided by artillery and air support. The Australians were unable to break up the attack, causing only a couple of disruptions. After achieving a few demoralizations, but no losses, the Japanese move forward to assault.

The Australians did only minor damage to the assault waves with opportunity fire, and the Japanese assaults did their job. By the halfway point, the left side of the Australian defense had collapsed and the few demoralized survivors were retreating into the town.

The Japanese attack bogged down due to a heroic Australian defense in one hex, plus some unkind Assault and Fog-of-War die rolls. The Japanese kept feeding fresh troops into the assaults and the right side of the Australian defense fell apart in the last 45 minutes of the scenario. The town defenders were wiped out in the last 30 minutes by the Japanese who had earlier defeated the Australian left. The two heroic Aussie platoons that had held out in one assault hex for well over an hour were wiped out on the last turn.

This is better as a solo scenario; there's not much for the Australians to do but hunker down and hang on. Halfway through I thought it would be a Japanese cake walk, but the die rolls shifted against them (they did very well the first half) and it turned out much closer than I expected.

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