Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Pillow fight at Haut-Le-Wastia
Author auerstalt
Method Solo
Victor France
Play Date 2010-08-07
Language English
Scenario FaoF011
Receiving a report of German forces in the Belgium village of Haut-Le-Wastia, Belgium, French forces of 1st Group de Recon made an early morning attack to retake the town. I commanded the French and decided to use the early morning darkness to get close quickly in hopes of using my superior numbers to overwhelm the German defenders. I sent my two armored cars to flank the town while the infantry moved close, using the fields, woods and hedgerows to conceal my advance. The Germans spotted my forces which forces me to setup a couple of fire groups in hopes of disrupting the German defenders. Two turns of this gained me no results, the town and superior German morale proving too much for firepower to break. I then swung in some forces while still using others for fire support but in the end found that my best option was to simply share town space with the Germans. Whomever attacked in assaults found themselves at a disadvantage. Though combat (mostly assaults) flashed back and forth, both sides would lick wounds, rally and got at it again. The scenario ended with each side having only lost 2 steps. I won as the French by taking all empty town hexes and sharing control of all others. Overall not a glamorous scenario and rather uneventful, though that could be from both of our bad die rolls as 6, 7 and 8's were the order of the day it seemed for all direct and indirect fire.
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