Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Stalin's Disappointment
Author Schoenwulf
Method Solo
Victor Finland
Play Date 2016-11-02
Language English
Scenario LioF001

In the late afternoon of November 30, 1939, Soviet units from the 70th Rifle Division moved west across the Finnish border. By 1600, they had engaged elements of the Finnish Neuland Cavalry Regiment along the road east of Terijoki. The Finnish cavalry did their best to slow the Soviet forces, but by 1630, most of their forces had withdrawn to the town with the notable exception of one HMG unit that held out over 90 minutes against continuous Soviet assaults. After the Soviet forces regrouped, they attacked the town from the south and east, moving into the south side of Terijoki by 1700 hours. Within the next hour, Soviet units had advanced toward the town center from both south and east sides, pushing all cavalry units back into the northeast sector. The Finnish Majuri withdrew to the hill northeast of town, while Lt. Col. Vorovich moved forward into the east side of town to rally his fellow Soviet troops. Despite heavy Soviet bombardment, the Finnish forces managed to retain a foothold in the town, thus delaying Stalin’s announcement of the Finnish Democratic Republic for another day.

This first scenario in the Lions of Finland monograph provides a quick cavalry battle against some difficult odds. However, if the Finns can survive the scenario with a loss of no more than five steps and hold a single town hex they can win. In this case, they did achieve victory with a fairly firm hold on two town hexes, but came extremely close to losing a sixth step from Soviet bombardment, which would have led to a draw. A roll of “11” instead of “10” on one bombardment would have done it. The total step loss was 5 steps for the Finnish to 8 steps for the Soviets.

NOTE: This scenario was played using updates and corrections from the PG-HQ site contributed by plloyd1010, rerathbun, and Shad. Maps and Soviet units from Eastern Front were used, and Finnish units were from Arctic Front Deluxe. It was played with 4th Edition rules, and the visibility values from page 14 of Arctic Front Deluxe were used since that scenario occurred on the same date and in the same locale. Also, since no tank leaders were originally assigned, the T-26’s were not allowed to advance into an assault situation.

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