Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Romanian Blitz
Author campsawyer
Method Solo
Victor Soviet Union
Play Date 2010-01-01
Language English
Scenario EFDx025

This was my first Romanian scenario to test out their units. Both sides started off board so there was no setup to start. The Romanian tanks are slightly inferior to the Soviets so they will have to try to manuever and try to force the Soviet tanks toward the AT guns. The Soviets must move quickly to establish a good line of attack to force themselves through the roads. The scenario starts with the Romanians getting two activations before the Soviets move. They move the tanks up the road and the AT guns to follow to set up a road block as close to the border of boards 1/8. An motorcycles follows with the remained of the infantry moving up to establish flank security in the woods and fields on board 1. The Soviets move on board with all units moving up the road, trying to stay together to maximize firepower. The Romanian motorcycle leader orders the OBA to harrass the advancing Soviets. The next turn has the Romanians starting gain. The get the 47mm AT guns setup on the road to prevent the Soviet tanks to rumble down the road. The motorcycle company move foward to try to get the Soviets to deploy there infantry soon than they would like, while the Romanian tanks move to the flanks north and south, while infantry get into a position to support the AT guns. The Soviets move forward and engage the motorcycle company with the Soviet tanks score some disruptions. The Soviet tanks deploy to counter the Romanian flanking manuever by having the T26's move to a position to attack them on the next turn. Soviet mortars deploy and the infantry moves up but does not deploy. Romanian OBA tries again to harass the Soviet infantry. At 11:00 the Romanian tanks engage the T26's, shots miss and the Soviets engage and score one kill. Romanian OBA finds its target and demoralizes a Soviet mounted infantry. Soviet infanry move up out of range of the Romanian AT guns and dismount. Romanin infantry finish diging in around the AT guns and look to engage them in the next turn. The Soviet T-28's move up with the infantry to support their attacks. The next turn lights up with two engagements, the tanks to the north and the Soviet infantry looking to assualt the Romanian AT guns. The Romanians win and start with the tanks fight. This time the Romanians score a kill but so do the Soviets. The Soviets move up the infantry on the AT guns. Romanian OP fire slows the advance with several disruptions, support fire from Soviet HMG's disrupt some of the dug in infantry. The Soviet T-28s look to flank in the south but run into a platoon of R-2's with infantry support. Romanian OBA targets the center Soviet attacks with no effect. Next turn starts with Soviets moving first, they continue the assualt in the center, one Romanian dug in infantry is assaulted without effect. Other Soviet infantry recover from disruptions. Romanian tanks continue to engage the T-26's and score another kill. The T26's retire back to the road. The T-28's trade shots with the R-2 platoon with no effect. The Soviets continue the center assualt and attack another dugin infantry. Both assualts yield no results other than tying down units. The Romanian tanks chase after the retreating T26's to try to flank the Soviets. The T28's retires to support the T26's.

Halfway though the scenario has the Soviets with a frontal assualt on the east-west road while their flanking manuevers have failed and the Romanian tanks look to flank them. The Soviets push the center attack, get the assualt results of a disruption and demoralization. The Soviet tanks take fire from the Romanians without effect, while they score another kill on them. At this point the Romanians see they are outnumbered and look to pull back. The motorcycle company moves up to cover the tank retreat. The Romanians look to counter the center attack by moving up the R-2 platoon and infantry company in the woods on board 1. They engage the southern most Soviet infantry in the center attack, this will draw off units from increasing the assualts on the center. But the Soviets attack is having an effect as the demoralized Romanian infantry retreats opening a line of attack on the AT guns. The Romanian casualties are accumulating and noe the Soviet have an edge on the initative. The Soviet infantry assualt one of the AT guns and get on board 1 road hex. The remaining R-2 and the motorcycle company move back from the flanking move to counter the assualt. The T28's and a Soviet platoon move south to counter the southern Romanian advance. The next turn has the Romanian AT gun destroyed by the Soviet assualt. The counter attack by the R-2/motorcycle company, but are hit by HMG fire leaving the R-2's on their own. The southern counter attack hits more of the supporting infantry with no effect. The attacks and counterattacks continue without any side getting an advantage. The Soviets were able to establish control of two hexes on board 1 east-west road and win the scenario.

I found this to be a very nice scenario. Well balanced, good unit composure and the scenario coming down to leaders and strategy.

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