Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Another learning scenario
Author campsawyer
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2010-01-01
Language English
Scenario EFDx002

This was another learning AAR, but a solo attempt. The Soviets setup per instructions and try to cover all the possible angles of attack. There is not many Soviet units to cover and will have to try to OP fire to stop the Germans. The Germans setup on board 2 close to the border of 2/8. They will look to advance up the border and attack the corner of board 8 and create a small lane to move the troops off the board.

The attack start slow as the Germans try to keep the troops together so that means moving at just 2 hexes per turn. By turn six the leading units are in position to attack the corner, but the Soviets see the attack developing and try to shift move INF units over to cover the corner. The slow race is on. INF/HMG units fire on a defending INF unit disrupting it. OBA fires at the next dug in position without effect. Infantry units move closer to the defending dug-in units. The Soviet move reienforcements but they are two activations away. In the next turns covering fire misses, but the assualt force moves in and disrupts on hole and get locked in close combat. Soviets move the reinforcements over to assualt in the next turn. German OBA hits the reinforcements and demoralized one unit. The next turn has the first assualt killing the on dugin infantry the other disrupted. Soviet reienforcements move up and the demoralized units try to rally withour success. Soviets mortar fire score a demoralization on a supporting HMG. Reinforcements move up. The Germans look to add troops to the other dugin assualt, but this time the first fire scores a morale check a the two German INF's fails. German OBA fires at the Soviet reinforcing units but miss. The Germans shift out the disrupted units for good order INF and HMG and this scores a step kill and demoralizes the remaining half squad. The Soviets need to start rallying troops but the lower morale has a hard effect on them, no one rallies. Soveit mortars try to have an effect on the troops moving up, but fails. The next turn sees the loss of the second dugin hole and the Germans have the corner open for units to move off the board. At this point the Soviets need to rally quite a few units. They get a couple but it will require several more turns to get them all back to good order. Meanwhile the Germans move off the required eigth units to get the win.

I beleive this one is slightly unbalanced toward the Germans by the Soviet setup rule that has the units setup two hexes away from each other. This allows the Germans to hit the corner with their full force while the Soviets have to try to move to slow them down. Lack of any other mobility makes the Soviets very slow on the recovery.

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