Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
A game of two halfs
Author waynebaumber
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2016-02-22
Language English
Scenario AGSU001

Played in two sessions, this scenario has an SS battle-group attacking dug in Russian Guard units in a bid to take the town on board 12 and clear the east west road. The SS outnumber the defenders have good OBDA and two STUG platoons in support. The Soviets have better morale but their only armour support is a lone SU76 platoon. During set up the Russkies leave the SMG Company in the town with a INF platoon joining them. The remainder of the defense is clumped in hedgehog fashion around HMG positions in three groups. The SS attack is a thrust to the centre of the board with only 1 company detached to mask the town. The attack start well and pushes the first of the Soviet positions back with some ease although with little loss to the defenders who regroup on the east west road. The second Soviet hedgehog holds out well and the SS begin to encircle the Russian centre. The third Soviet position is bypassed by the STUGs who race into the town although as yet unsupported by any GREN. Casualties are now beggining to mount for both sides, the Soviet commander now orders a more aggressive defense with several local counterattacks pinning down larger SS formations. The Soviets also reinforce the town, while the SU76 platoon does sterling work in the centre, supported by a INF and HMG platoon led by the best Guards officer available, so effective was this small force that the Germans were pushed back and conceded that the east-west road would not be cleared of enemy units. However the town now was being heavily fought over and looked ready to fall, although the STUGs had been attacked by the defending SMG platoons they had stood firm had now supported by foot units had taken 3/4 of the town. The Soviet commander seeing this had to order the weary SU76 platoon to rush to the town to retake some ground, however one STUG platoon which had been DEM and had fled the scene, suddenly rallied (double 1 recovery roll) and managed to destroy the SU76's. This meant that the town would fall giving the Germans a minor victory. If you had asked me to rate this at GT10 I would have said very standard PG fare as the SS seemed to be romping to a major victory, however as losses mounted and the initiative for each side became 0 the Guards units seemed to become more active, in the end this went to the last turn and was as thrilling as any solo game could be. Good scenario

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