Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Bogged Down in the Mud
Author thomaso827
Method Solo
Victor Draw
Play Date 2016-02-14
Language English
Scenario KurS001

The Soviet Guards hold the town in the middle of board 37, getting 3 entrenchments and 4 mines to slow down approaching SS troops. The Germans can enter from north and/or south, so I split them up, evenly among the infantry elements but giving the Major the northern force and the StuG IIIs and the southern force the towed guns and mortars. Conditions are muddy, adding one movement point to all vehicular movement not on road or in town, and since there are no north-south roads on this scenario, that really slowed things down. It does not affect the infantry, so in the north, the StuGs were moving at walking speed making it easy for a combined attack by the Major' an engineer and 1 infanry walking with the 3 StuG platoons from the northwest and a force of infantry, an engineer and 2 HMGs from the northeast. The southern force was also centered on the infantry and engineer platoons with infantry and HMG stacks on the flanks and the last 2 infantry following up. The Mortars came up just west of the southern force and the 2 halftracks towing an AT gun and INF gun moved along the board edge. The Sergeant leading the guns element got a little too far ahead, and a Soviet AT gun opened up from an entrenchment to the southeast corner of the town, causing the Germans to unlimber at a range innefective against anything but the Grant platoon at long range, giving the AT gunners some target practice, but the 57mm AT gun in the Soviet entrenchment had the better luck taking out both halftrack transports leaving the guns stuck there for the duration. The StuGs moved from behind the woods in the northwest corner and succeeded in destroying the Grants in a long range gun duel, then moved a bit closer and started firing on the westernmost hex of the town. German infantry and Soviet SMG troops engaged in assault in the fields to the southeast and although the Guard SMGs were hurt in step losses, the constantly got the better of the Germans in the assault. The rest of the southern German force moved on and took the southeast entrencement with no losses but were disrupted and demoralized by fire from the adjacent town hex. More SS troops assaulted the northern entrenchement and destroyed the 76.2mm gun but found themselves locked in combat with the infantry there. With a whole lot of 6,7 and 8 rolls, the game stagnated outside the town. In the end, the Soviets lost 14 steps to 2 lost by tehe Germans, but the Soviets were still in full control of the town, so the Soviets got a total of 10 points, giving the game a Draw conclusion. Great game.

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