Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Party Fervor Just Not Enough
Author thomaso827
Method Solo
Victor United States
Play Date 2016-01-17
Language English
Scenario ApPA003

This scenario has the East German force attacking to eliminate troops and take town hexes. US has to keep town hexes and destroy East Germans. The East Germans drew about the best leaders so far from their meager selection, getting the 9 Kommissar instead of the 6 this time so he had some effect anyway. East Germans start with 8 POL, 3 HMGs, 2 mortars, a Ba-64, an Su-76 and 3 T-34s, while the US set up with 8 infantry, 2 HMGs, a mortar and 2 M4-76 Shermans. I placed 2 INF and a good LT in the small village in the northeast corner hoping to stop or delay any attack from tha direction and placed the rest in the large town, with one INF and an HMG each in 8080 and 0810 to hold the town flanks, and placed 2 infantry and a leader in all other town hexes except for 0710 and the city center at 0809, placing the US LTC, SGT and Morter there, and the tanks in 0909 where they could use their 180degree field of fire to engage most of the area the East Germans would have to pass through. The East Germans split into an armor force and a foot force, running the armor into the village to the north for a fairly quick victory, pushing the US out with a step loss, while the foot troops moved more cautiously over the hill in the southeast and through the woods there to keep some cover as long as possible but put them in a good position to move forward and assault town hexes. The East German armor sat on the edge of the northern ridge after chasing the defenders out and traded shots and casualties with the Shermans. The first Sherman survivor, having been demoralized, moved back into the city center to regain his shaken confidence while the other Sherman continued to trade shots. The East Germans lost the armored car and assault gun units as well as one T-34 step but succeeded in eliminating both steps of that last full Sherman platoon and then advanced to take the empty town hex where the Shermans had been. By this time, the EG foot troops were assaulting 2 points at the south side of the city, where assualts bogged down. At first, the lower morale of the East Germans didnt seem to matter much, but finally they started failing their morale checks, falling back and losing officers at an alarming rate. Their Captain was the first to go, and then the Major, leaving one LT forward and one demoralized some distance from the action. When the good order LT died with his 2 POL platoons, I had to call it a game, this on the end of turn 15. The US SGT had already started up the road with a platoon of infantry to reclaim the northern village hex and there was little the surviving EG LT could do to move all the surviving POL units back on the attack. With casualties just over double those of the Amricans, they started their fall back to their starting line for the day. Great game.

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